Sam Jackson & Siri

warning, this is a potty mouth post.  i would say this disclaimer was so my mom wouldn’t read it, but I think she would get a kick out of it. 

I am mildly obsessed with the Sam Jackson talking to Siri commercial by Verizon.

Mostly because it makes me think about the Dave Chappelle skit and I want Sam to go “mmm mmm bitch!” after talking to Siri.

But seriously, after I saw this for the first time I look Brownlee point blank in the face and said “I want one of those damn phones”.  He thought it was funny because I very much do NOT want an iPhone, but I am nothing if not a consumer, and I mean it’s Sam Jackson!  And I get that the clever, one-sided banter doesn’t even matter because you have to hit the button for Siri to even try and understand what you’re getting her to do.  I DON’T CARE!

So then I started my own hashtag (because that’s what twitter is for) which I find so hilarious, I gave it it’s own blog post.


Real tweets. (From me cause I’m the only one who does it)

“How many ounces in a cup motherfucka?”

“Do you want hotspatcho bitch? What? What aint no soup I ever heard of”

“Say search not found again Suri.  Say it again bitch!”

“Enough is enough! Tell me where I can get muthafuckin mushrooms for this muthafuckin risotto.”


I’m just going to end this post now because what more can I possibly add to it?







7 thoughts on “Sam Jackson & Siri

  1. Siri, you know where a nigga can find a tasty burger?

    And you will know my name is the Lord, when you taste my mothafuckin gazpacho?

  2. I can't stop laughing! Sam says "Them niggas stole my Siri, and I hope they burn in hell!" Lol! Just had to get one in.

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