Daycare Germs – 2; Our House – 0

So we basically got our asses kicked by yet another daycare germ.  Hooray.  Does Carter’s make HazMat suits?!

Thursday daycare called like “Addison threw up”.  Fine.  I went to get her cause no matter who you are, if you throw up you just want to go lay down in your bed.  We figured it was just something she ate, or she ate too fast, or she ate too much.  Plus she was playing as usual so we didn’t think anything of it and sent her back Friday morning.

I get home and her teacher (coincidentally our upstairs neighbor) is talking about how she came home early from work because she was sick.

Saturday Addy had a diaper reminiscent of that poopy explosion but she was playing as usual. Then about 6 or so I was violently ill.  I won’t go into the gory details but I should have just put a pillow in the bathroom and set up shop there for the night.  Sunday morning I wake up feeling better and able to keep down tepid water.  Then Brownlee wakes up and shoots off for the bathroom.


UGH.  Fortunately YaYa was available to relieve us of parental duties as we slept out our misery on the couches.  It was a constant in and out of sleep.  Sorta watching some sort of TV.  Barely drinking water.  Too hot. Too cold.  Mumbling at each other.  It was awful.

Then about 430p I came around and made some tea.  Then at 630 I felt even better and attempted to eat the soup I tried to make at noon or so.  And then I was fine and started straightening up and Lysol bombing.  And I was just awake…until 3am.

I don’t want to be one of those moms that takes their kid to the doctor for every scrapped knee and runny nose.  But I also don’t want to be like “put some ‘Tussin on it” and send her on her way. Luckily her well baby check up is scheduled for next week and thanks to Google I now think she is allergic to everything.  “They” say they make a baby Zyrtec and I’m sure even some Benadyrl might do the trick.  And I’m also kinda sure the doctor doesn’t want me to go in there like “well I read blah blah so I know what I’m doing”, because I don’t.  I’m still in the winging it stage of parenting (as if there is any other).  But because of my addiction to Claritin and Brownlee’s lactose issues, I wouldn’t put it past her to be allergic to something or another.

Tonight we will all be getting a dose of vitamins with dinner though.


6 thoughts on “Daycare Germs – 2; Our House – 0

  1. LOL, not at the germ fight, just at the post. I am glad Aspenita does not go to daycare…..yet. I told you those places are the devil!!!

  2. Just to keep the count updated, down goes Gabby and then today, down goes YaYa for all her hard work. Germs – 4; Anybody who came in contact with Addy this weekend – 0

  3. I cant with this daycare crap. WTF are those other kids carrying?! And I thought taking her out in public and letting her be around people was supposed to help her immune system? Evidently, these daycare kids aren't regular people with regular germs. Vermin.

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