Art Show

Before school started, Gabby came by and Addy was showing her some art and Gabby was like “Addy, you should have a gallery wall and invite people over to see your art.” Except it’s a pandemic and you can’t have too many people inside. So we opted for a “it’s not 100 degrees right now, and it’s not a tropical storm art show.”

I told Addy she’d have to pick a date, how many pieces she was going to have, and who she was going to invite. And once she had all the details we could get going on it. She did it.

She did all the art pieces, told me what snacks to get, and how we were going to lay out the patio (me and Brownlee were the assistants).

When people started to ask her if they could buy the pieces she was like “um I *like* these, that’s why I’m showing them to you, I’m not selling them.” and honestly, that makes sense. So she took a list of commissions instead so people can have their own originals some time later.

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