The Recital.

Addy has been in dance class all of this spring.  Well the dance teacher comes to daycare on Thursdays and teaches the girls stuff.  It required some ballet flats, a tutu, leggings, and my child knowing all of the words to all of the songs in Frozen.  So of course we were in. And sometiemes I would be able to get there at the tail end of dance and see the girls moving around.  And sometimes Addy would talk to me about plies and first position but that was the extent of our dance class talk. Until we got word they would end the season with a dance recital. I instantly wanted to go out and buy a show tutu because I assume that is a thing based off TLC commercials I see.  The teacher just said at most, Addy would need new shoes because hers got a little small, oh and tap shoes if we had them. WHAT! I knew tap was an option at the studio but I thought it was hilarious they were doing it at the daycare.  Granted a lot of kids are there for the after school program but when I hear tap I think



Anyway she got the new shoes (and subsequently finally got these jellies Cinderella glass slippers, but that’s another blog for another day) and a hairbow and that was that. Friday we had ice cream, came home and pulled her hair up, and put on the tights.  I offered to give her some lip gloss but she declined if she could just put on the glass slippers.

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Off we went and she was happy to see her friends since we were there and she knew it wasn’t a school day.  She assumed YaYa and PawPaw would be there.  Then Gabby came.  Then Cassandra came.  And I think she was a little nervous because after the first tappa tappa tappa she ran over to YaYa.

dance recital 2dance recital 3 Anyway, a quick pep talk and some direction off stage from the teacher she did fine.  She did more than fine.  She was the youngest kid in the class so she was put front and center.  I didn’t tear up.  Fun was had by all and if you listened hard enough you could hear YaYa singing along to “Love is an Open Door.” HA! Oh and they got trophies y’all.  Frickin trophies.  It was the best.  And also do not touch her trophy.  She takes it very seriously. dance recital 4


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2 thoughts on “The Recital.

  1. A lot of the girls look terrified and she looks completely thrilled to be dancing. I see many more recitals in your future…

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