3 years 3 months

now that we are to the 3 years 3 months post, I feel that I can admit I never really know what month we’re on.  I keep all the pics and stuff separated by folder and labeled properly because it’s just easier that way.

let it never be said your anal attentive attention to detail never yielded positive results – Bartleby, Dogma

this month we made some great strides in potty training.  by “we” I mean Addy took it upon herself to pee in the potty more.  daycare says she does great and is in the same pull up all day to which I normally say (to myself) “and I’m still in my pee pants, I never changed them.”

and sometimes when we get home she’ll come around the corner like “I pee pee’d all by myself where’s my lollipop?” except we don’t keep lollipops on hand because the cheap post-Easter candy was Starburst so she gets those are reward because I have never said I was above bribery. (although I solmenly swear to you I will never post a toilet pic on this blog or anywhere else on the innanet.)

so her teacher brought up that maybe we should send Addy to school with big girl panties and a lot of changes of clothes.  they didn’t care. they would help her out.  which would be simple because she has 1) a LOT of clothes and 2) several packs of big girl panties.  I brought up the subject with her to which she replied

“No. Never.”

she literally said that to me.  with such conviction and certainty.  I didn’t gain that skill until like three years ago.

those days of ridiculousness when I had to stay home, I was like Addy “why did you poop in your pull up and not on the potty?” she goes “I was having a tea party.”  y’all.  just…what?!

having a three year old is difficult because you don’t know if your child has mastered sarcasm, patronizing you, or just haven’t picked up on all the nuances of conversational skills.

sometimes when we tell Addy to do something she immediately says “what did you say?”

which would be ok and acceptable way to ask a person to repeat themselves, except she says it like Ron Burgundy.

via tumblr duh
via tumblr, duh

and I want to get mad but i have to give her the benefit of the doubt like, maybe she just didn’t hear me and hasn’t excelled at such high levels of jerkitude just yet.

but then again, you never know.

we spent Memorial Day weekend at the Woodlands Resort, but that’s to come later in a blog post over on Houston Moms Blog (which you need to go check out anyway cause we started a book club!!!). But I can at least show this pic.

3 years 3 months

we also went to the Miller Outdoor Theater for the Motown (covers) concert.  I tried to explain what a concert was and she was marginally intrigued because there was so much dancing.  she was like “i want to go up there and dance”, referring to the stage. so I guess we better be prepared for all the performances.


3years 3 months


7 thoughts on “3 years 3 months

  1. Next thing you know she's going to start temper tantrums by telling you she's in a glass cage of emotion. I love it.

  2. :Hahahahha, she pooped in her pull-up because she was having tea party!! Ahahahaa!!!!! That's a good one! 🙂

  3. This is what you should expect when you mix Brownlee and Bre' genes together. Smarty-pants to the 2nd power! Lol!

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