Sharing is Caring

As a blogging person I often times struggle with how much personal data I want to put out here on the innanet.  Like yeah it’s ok I divluge all my habits and pictures but I have a kid and people are creepers and who knows, Facebook might still be a thing in a couple years and it’s highly possible Addy could be tagged (by me) in all her pictures (cause I’d do it).

So most of the time I make sure people are decent or at least agree to the pictures I post.

But this video is so epic I feel like I would be a jerk if I didn’t share it with the people who actually like my kid.


5 thoughts on “Sharing is Caring

  1. OMG get her in dance class, soon! She is adorable. She is also going to kill you for that one day, but I'd say you have a good ten years til she discovers it!

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog! Yes, let's def meet at Blog Elevated! I'm super excited to be there! I really like your blog! Your baby girl is gorgeous & congrats on the engagement!!!! Have an amazing week!

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