Island of Misfit Posts 05.23.13

Well That’s New

I found a gray hair.  Above my right ear.  I’m not saddened or shocked or anything.  It’s just…why is it there?  I guess cause I don’t follow Revlon’s suggestions of using the dye every 6-8 weeks.  How can I remember 6 weeks ago?  I don’t even think I grab the same box every time.  I wish it would happen all at once in a streak in the front.  Yes I watched a lot of X-Men cartoons and movies.  But it just seems better to wake up and deal with a shock of silver hair that looks very bad ass instead of the slow progression.  Like being fat.  One day when I wake up 400 pounds I won’t be shocked or saddened.  I’ll be like “well I knew it was coming”.  I likes ta eat.  Well, at least now when I do go get my Feria I will have a shimmery highlight on the right side of my head instead of a gray.


App for That

I’ve gotten over the fear that the Internet put in me that my kid spends too much time in front of a screen.  I mean we watch a lot of TV.  And have smart phones.  And my new job gave me an iPad (yeah I know!) and she has her own tablet anyway.  The bumpies had been talking a lot about Endless Alphabet, so I instantly downloaded it (and Candy Crush Saga to which I thought was lame but am now utterly addicted to, send me lives if you play) since it was FREE.

Well this game is amazing.  They plop a word on the screen.  Not a kiddie word like CAT or DOG or even COMPUTER.  Words you wouldn’t expect in a kiddie game.  Journey. Kazoo. Gargantuan.  No bs.  Gargantuan is a word on the game.  Anyway, the letters are dispersed and in different colors.  The outline of the word is in black and white.  The kid drags the letter to the appropriate place in the word.  All the while the letter is making the sound the letter makes.  R goes arrr arrrrr arrrrrr arrrr the whole time she’s dragging it.  Boom she gets it in place.  It says R. Once the word is spelled THEN the cartoon monsters act out the word and the lady gives you a definition.

I’m amazed.  Addy was a pro after day 2.

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Allen Stone

T (my sister) told me to go see Allen Stone with her this past Friday at Warehouse Live.  I’m so glad she did.  It’s one of the best concerts I’ve been to in forever.


(my phone will take a pic with both cameras at the same time.  The Samsung Galaxy S4 commercials do not lie.  it’s amazing)

I had recently realized (via Twittah) that the music I listen to can basically be broken down into: 1) Rock (currently listening to The White Stripes as I type this), 2) white people who sound black, and 3) Young Jeezy (or UGK).  That’s about it.

Allen Stone fits into category 2.

A 24 year old hippie from Seattle.  I guess that’s redundant.  Anyway he’s awesome.  I bought a cd and I”m currently scouring the internet for live versions and b-sides because the cd is great but watered down compared to what I saw on stage.  He has two CDs, both on iTunes.  He reminds me and T of Jamiroquai.  That’s the group name isn’t it, not just the one guy.  I mean that one guy.

It was a straight up hipster fest.

And I loved it. Duh.


and more


and because now I want to see it, watch Jamiroquai


10 thoughts on “Island of Misfit Posts 05.23.13

  1. Cracking up at the idea of waking up 400 lbs (seriously LOLed at my desk but had to stop so I didn't have to confess to blog reading instead of working). If that happens to you, then it will happen to me too.

    Pic of Addy is so so cute!

    And I always feel like hipster-fests are my version of Halloween – like I need special clothes to gain attendance. And unnecessary glasses – can't forget those!

  2. I have some gray hair too. It's depressing. I'm too young for this!

    That app looks neat, I may need that!

  3. He really needs to do one of those concert DVDs because his live performance is phenomenal.

    Addy may be a brain if her interests lasts long enough. She may be like you and fly through education and meh it all. lol

    1. i think i don\’t feel bad about it because i know she is outside a lot and they do lots of stuff at daycare. that\’s why she\’s so good on the iPad. i\’m sure i get way to much screen time. especially now that i\’m addicted to candy crush

  4. This is such an awesome blog! Thanks for linking me to one of my favorite videos with Jamiroquai! Yay!

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