To-Do 2013

I don’t do resolutions. Sometimes I’m like “yeah I should save money” but it’s really more like maybe I don’t need to spend every dime I have on Target and Starbucks.


So this year I’m going to try to get some things done without setting unrealistic expectations for myself.



I bought this new computer so I can do better at blogging.  And well basically my netbook was about to crap out. So I got a nice little Ultrabook that is still small enough for me to carry all the time, but has a real processor so it won’t crap out when I’m trying to edit and upload pictures.  Plus it has a touchscreen so I can do awesome tablet-like things like play Taptiles until I get finger cramps. Ha!

Anyway, this should allow me to do more writing.  I’m not going to say X amount of short stories or actually finishing anything.  I just need to do some more prompts and maybe re-write or start a new something something.  This will probably require more time at Starbucks, thus negating the idea to not spend every dime there.  Thankfully my friend Peavy got me a Starbucks tumbler that gets me a free coffee every day in January. WHAT! I should be blogging there right now!

I also need to put pen to paper more.  I got a whole pack of Pentel RSVP fine points that need to be utilized.  And a PaperSource giftcard with some moolah left over.



I read this blog on Clickng It Up A Notch for photography goals for 2013.  See, also NOT resolutions.  I want to like the idea of trying to do more self portraits.  I have so few pictures of myself.  Well, compared to the amount of pictures I take of other people.  I also want to take pictures of other people.  Not just Addy doing cutie things. I’m eyeing a 35mm f/2 lens and I downloading Lightroom 4.  This means I need to be doing more things.  The photo bumpies even convinced me to start shooting in RAW format.  Lordy! “Lots to do!”


Last year I set my GoodReads goal at 30 books.  I read 26.5.  I’m ok with that.  I’m going to try for 30 again this year and start the count after I finish this .5 of a book. I like my little widget on the side so I’m going to keep that going.



While drinking and talking with a bff last night, we realized that we haven’t actually spent much time together lately.  I should do that.  Spend more time with people.  I mean I know a lot of what’s going on in her life because we group text and Facebook and Tweet all the live long day.  But I mean we should really be sitting and having meals and being ridiculous together.  Like we did pre Social Networking.  I should do that with everyone.  And after we had such a great time at the Children’s Museum (I’m really going to write that post I swear) I’m thinking about getting a membership.  And maybe not taking the camera! Actually getting out and doing things.  That’s my to do for 2013.


Do you have any goals/resolutions/to do list for 2013?  How do you even hold yourself accountable for such things?

4 thoughts on “To-Do 2013

  1. In 2013, I resolve to be more observant of people. I've come to find that you can learn a lot about yourself through observing those around you.

    Corny? Perhaps. But it is true.

    I also want to buy more Jordan's. My parents wouldn't get them for me as a child, so it's kind of like my financial, yet militant "fawk you" lol.

    1. People watching can be fun, and makes for amusing tweets lol.

      And as a person who lives with a Jordan lover…good luck with all that shoe getting.

  2. I'm doing a 365 Project this year. We'll see how that goes. I'm also planning on reading 50 books. I've got a whole long list of books I want to read. I think I'll just need to start reading daily as well.

    I like the idea of spending more time with people in person. Reconnecting and getting off the interwebs.

    1. good luck with the 365! i've been pretty good with photo a day but I think it's cause I have the prompts. are we friends on Goodreads?! I have to check.

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