1 year, 10 months

It’s a couple days late, but so what. I’m on vacation remember?

I think the most notable thing this month is that we’ve seen Nemo approximately 50 times.  Yes there are only 30 days in a month.  Do the math.  As I type this, Addy is at her table eating her “ghetti” and watching Nemo.  Again.  She gets scared of the sharks and even covers her eyes before they get on screen, but that doesn’t stop her from watching it.

If you follow Brownlee or myself on Instagram, you’ve no doubt seen a flurry of blank or blurry pictures with jibba jabba captions.  That’s all Addy.  At first she just wanted to scroll through the pics.  Then she wanted to take the pics.  And now she posts, to Instagram and Facebook.

When she was little little and would do something on her own, she would look at you and clap, inviting you to clap showing we were proud of her and she was proud of herself.  tuckNow, she’s taken to exclaiming “I DID IT!”  I have this lanyard with a seat belt-type clip on it.  She likes to buckle herself in to the carts in the grocery store so I thought she would like to play with it.  Sure enough she can buckle and un buckle super fast.  Then she was all “I DID IT!!!!!” and I’m like “yeah you did it! HEY! you know how to use “I” properly!!!” Hooray.  It’s also funny when she gets caught between the back and seat of her chair and yells “I TUCK!”

Or when she grabs her watch and says “I ready!”

She will also use it to say that she knocked something over. “AWWWWW! I DID IT!”

No clapping required.

We of course had a great Christmas this year and went to the Children’s Museum on Friday, but those will be separate posts chock full of photos.

Here’s the stats:


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