Labor Day Fun 2012

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!  We had a great one!  Friday we did…I don’t remember.  Saturday we went to IKEA and only spent an hour and about $35 each (between me and YaYa).   I finally got Addy table and stool I wanted.  Brownlee was excited to assemble but kind of sad he didn’t get to use his tool belt.


Yes I also used the table as an excuse to do some practice shooting with the camera.

Sunday we went to YaYa’s for some BBQ. Addy discovered the joy of running through the sprinklers.  Even if they were on full blast.  And she was fully clothed. Two different times.

Monday we went to the Cockrel Butterfly Center.  Addy wasn’t too into the bugs, but she was very into running freely in a confined space.  She saw some of the butterflies and I got some great pics, so that’s really all that matters.  Then we walked across the street to Hermann Park and rode the train around the park.  Addy was VERY into that.  Maybe she really does watch Thomas the Train at YaYa’s house.  She sat really still and watched everything as we rode past.  We waved at the bums and the families in the park.  She laughed every time I went “choo choo”.  And she waved bye to everyone as we got off.

Yay for 3-day weekends.

And if we’re not Facebook friends, here’s a nice ol photo bomb for you.

(Just click on the first picture and scroll on thru)

[shashin type=”album” id=”4″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”n” order=”date”]

How was your weekend?!


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