I Wasn’t Ready

This morning we hear Addy screaming on the monitor around 615am.  Normally she wakes up saying “HEY! HEY!” like come get me.  But this was a different scream.  Brownlee goes and gets her and comes back like “I picked your kid up off the floor”.  Yeah she climbed out. WTF?!


Tuesday this is what Addy was in.

Yes she’s always in a tutu cause it’s play clothes and she can put it on herself.

Anyway, it was time for a bath and she was showing interest in the potty, so I took her diaper off and invited her to sit on the potty.  She did.  She was then instantly distracted by the step stool next to the potty and opted to brush her teeth instead.  Fine.  Then Jenni called and we got into a highly important discussion about where to get a good dessert.

And then Addy made an “uh oh” face and squatted and started peeing.  Right there in her tutu.  We both looked at each other like “what are you going to do about this”.  She hated the feeling, so I might need to let her go diaper free for a while so she will use the potty. But how often do you see a kid in a tutu pee on the floor?

Any toddler parents out there being constantly caught off guard by things your kid is doing?

3 thoughts on “I Wasn’t Ready

  1. When my wife and I started potty training our daughter, we got frustrated. She thought the potty was nothing but a game. Then one day, we placed the potty in the middle of the living room and let her run around naked for a day. Sure enough, whenever she had to pee, she would dart towards the potty, sit down, and go pee. Every time she would use it, we would move the potty closer and closer to the bathroom.

  2. My daughter grew up so quickly. When she was 2, she acted like she was 4. She caught me off guard daily with new tricks and new words and new milestones. The boy is 2 1/2 and still acts like an 18 month old. I don’t want him to grow up too fast, but come on, dude. Pop a squat on the potty and hit me with some new words and tricks, please.

  3. Oh man! I'm dreading the potty training stage! That's why I'm just going with the flow and letting him sit on the potty if he asks, but its diapers all the way every day. I hope it doesnt make me a bad mom :/ PS: go to my blog to get your ad from our ad swap! I'm still waiting on it 😉

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