9 Month Checkup

We took Addy in for her 9 month check up.  So what she’s 9.5 months.

The basic stats put her at 29″ (85,98th percentile) and 19lbs 7oz (53.52th percentile).  I think the weight was a little high cause she had a pee pee diaper. lol. But seriously, I didn’t think she was that long.

So what does this mean?

It’s time to get new car seats.  All around.  This sucks for a number of reasons.  Mostly I don’t feel like doing research.  Also that’s a new seat for me and Brownlee and YaYa’s cars.  The convertible seats we need to get do not just pop out and into a base in a different car.  Plus she still needs to be rear-facing, and I have yet to perfect this maneuver in the Mini.  I think it will require me to get in the back seat and buckle her in and then get out and etc etc drive off.  I think.  Oh well.   That’s just how it will have to be.  Doctor says the recommendations for rear facing is 2 years.  So we’ll see how that goes.  Luckily she has no problem facing the back (for now) and these seats should last up to 50lbs, depending on what kind to get.

But I still have this SnugRide and 3 bases that will just be sitting here.  I don’t know if I should keep them or sell them to a consignment shop.

Addy impressed the doctor with her new found skills.  He asked if she was crawling.  Dude she’s inches from walking.  He asked if she was saying mama or dada.  Um, she says hey and bye bye.  He asked if she could wave or clap.  And she demonstrated her clapping skills for him.  Apparently she is advanced.

So we’ve been practicing telling her how to spell her name.

And while we were going over what to ask the doctor, Addy was busy doing this.

But I am open to convertible car seat recommendations if anyone has one.

2 thoughts on “9 Month Checkup

  1. Yay for Addy and her amazing skills! We only rearfaced with Jake until 1.5 years, I don't know what we will do for Emma. She gets car sick so riding backwards makes it worse, I hope to go to 2 years. That is an adorable picture!

  2. The apply doesn't fall far from the tree. You were advanced as well, so the fact that you and Brownlee created this little genius goes without saying!

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