Coincidental Babbling???

We’re starting to recognize the fact that Addy might be starting to talk.  She has these times where she really gets to “talking” and every so often we’ll catch what sounds to be like a real word.  If she’s upset and crying she moves her mouth in a mamamamamamamaaaa way that could be here saying “mama” or could just be upset noises.

Then Sunday when we were packing up I put her in her car seat and she said “bye bye”.

Me and Brownlee paused.  Looked at each other and made that “did you hear it too” face.  And I realized that I had been telling Addy it’s time to go “bye bye” when I put her in her seat.  Or if we’re leaving from visiting YaYa and she’s already strapped in, we take her around so she can get kisses from everyone and tell them bye bye.  This is a little more advanced than when I would make mmm mmm sounds when feeding her.

And last night she got visits from Baddy and Auntie Ariel and Peavy and she told them “hi”. Clear as day.  I kinda just shrugged and told them that’s been going on around here.

So we may or may not have a talker.  It’s getting to where I can’t write these incidents off as sheer coincidence.  Not that I don’t want her to talk, I mean look at who her dad is, it was bound to happen.  But it’s just another list of things that freaks me out about having a baby.  She’s turning into a real live person.  Why?! I wanted a tiny squishy baby!

Oh, and still no teeth!

Any moms out there, let me know how you knew your kid was saying real actual words.

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