I’ve gotten back into the habit of watching Soap Operas. Days of Our Lives in particular. It was a habit me and my friends got into in high school, I can’t remember why (I suppose because streaming hadn’t been invented yet), but we had tapes and tapes of them and would catch up watching on the weekends.
But now with all of us just being at home, I figured why not. It’s something to look forward to. You don’t have to know much but to pick up the show on a Monday and get through to Friday. A lot of the characters are the same from 20 years ago anyway so I was like “oh snap Stefano still trying to kill Marlena” and that was really all I needed to know.
It’s peak escapism. I get the appeal. It’s not as heavy as most of the premium shows I’m watching. It takes a week to get through 2 hours of these people’s lives. It’s only slightly more ridiculous than watching the actual news. Apparently they’ve taped so many episodes there’s little chance that the pandemic will interfere with production.
Soap Operas and Animal Crossing might be the things that get me by. I’m okay with that.
I’ve never been able to get into soap operas because I feel like I’d NEVER get what’s going on being as though I’ve never watched them before. My brother has the same sentiments as you: you don’t have to start from the beginning. LOL!