Tuesday and Wednesday daycare was closed due to some emergency situation. I have the more flexible job and the whole home setup to log in and the headset to Skype and blah blah, so I stayed in and tried to manage working from home and also parenting.
This is not for me.
I have never entertained the idea of being a stay at home parent and I don’t particularly care to work at home because “I don’t like to mix work with whatever it is I do at home” – Mitch, Old School.
So we start off fine with breakfast and Bubble Guppies and emails and then I gave her paints and juice and grapes and we played blocks and more emails and reports to send off and Cheez Its and then I was like “jeezus is it nap time?” but it was like 9:30 in the morning.
Then it was lunch then finally nap and I made some calls and did some more stuff and I looked around and the living room was a disaster and I looked in Addy’s room and I was like “let’s just move and start over.” Then she woke up and I finished up work and more snacks and juice and I was like goodness I can’t wait to get into the office.
But Wednesday it happened AGAIN and I had to sit in on a teleconference and swing swings at the same time and I was so brain fried I didn’t even take pictures. I had inspectors to call and I couldn’t even come up with what would be an appropriate lunch and I wanted to take a nap too but that’s when I could really push through and send everything off. I did manager to clean up and wash my hair so yay for that. But then Addy woke up from late nap and was so disoriented she sat on me and peed and her pull up leaked and I was on the verge of tears. Fortunately we had break and bake cookies in the fridge. Broke. Baked. Ate.
Hooray for getting my ass out and into the office everyday! That’s the only way all 3 of us are functioning human beings.
This is the best! You crack me up. I feel like a disoriented mess everyday. Maybe it's time I find an office to go to again!