One Book July 2023

this account i follow on my planner instagram account said something how they felt grounded being surrounded by notebooks and stuff. and it struck a chord with me. i am not a flip flop person. i am always in socks or have socks on standby. i am not going to stick my feet in the grass. but i will sit on the couch at night and surround myself with a bunch of notebooks and pens and books…and scroll my phone.

and also i just like buying notebooks.

except with everything being compartmentalized is that it gets very department of redundancy department. so i took part of the obscure internet challenge of One Book July. you weed out everything and use one notebook and shove everything in it.

and i did it. i pre-rewarded myself by ordering a new pen Saturday but i did it. it’s just nice to get everything back to basics and add on what you really need. i shoved all my random thoughts and to do lists and tarot notes and photos and brain dumps and journaling into one notebook. and i didn’t hate it. i missed the abundance of crinkly paper surrounding me but i helped me focus on what i actually need. 2 notebooks and a hobonichi weeks (look it up, it is a perfect planner). i need a bullet journal. i need a separate journal for thoughts/feelings that i don’t have to face while filling out lists of things to buy for school. and that’s all i need.

granted it’s all imported Japanese paper and fountain pens but that’s it that’s all i need.



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