Challenge Accepted.

September I challenged myself to write every day. Not like NaNoWriMo, I didn’t have a word goal. Just that I would work every day on one Work In Progress (WIP as the writerly type like to abbreviate) and do at least 100 words on it. That could take a few minutes or a few hours depending on what show was on and how suddenly interested I became in Pinterest or even if I drove to Austin to see Florence.

I did it. It was a struggle because 1. writing is not easy and 2. I don’t know if I even want to be writing this WIP 3. life. If I were a more disciplined person I would have rewarded myself with some item but I am weak and bought the pen I was going to give myself as a little treat on September 12th. I mean I’m still going to reward myself, probably with a different pen but here we are.

In October I’m switching to a less intensive creative project, I need to shoot 3 rolls of film. I also bought The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron because I need to read up on morning pages (the general idea is you wake up and write 3 pages in a plain ass notebook) (but I probably should be re-reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. And I need to finish knitting another scarf before it actually gets cool.

It’s #AnalogGirlFall and this is how we celebrate.

3 thoughts on “Challenge Accepted.

      1. Keep at it. I too started with scarves and to date have made hats, mittens, socks and a baby blanket. Just keep practicing and use all the resources (YouTube and Ravelry).

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