Me and Addy (and my sister and two nieces) went to Comicpalooza this past weekend. If you’re not a nerd, or nerd-adjacaent, Comicpalooza is Houston’s comic/nerd event held in the convention center over a weekend. There’s panels, autographs, booths, and a bunch of nerds dressed up in costume.
We were those nerds.
I dressed up as Dr. Rusty Venture from The Venture Brothers. Addy was Tanjiro from Demon Slayer. It’s not important that you know who these people are, just know that enough people recognized us in character at the convention.
It was odd cause Addy wasn’t talkative and didn’t take photos but we were there like 6 hours and spent a bunch of money and as soon as we got in the car she was like “okay so next year I’m going as…” so she had a blast. She’s just an introvert.
My friends are like “wow you’re a cool mom cause my mom would have never gone to something like this” but am I a cool mom or just a nerd with disposable income with a tinier nerd that will attend (plus I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom came with us next year). But i think mostly these things just weren’t a thing when we were kids. Nerd culture is popular culture. Fandoms are amazing when they aren’t toxic (a fine line if there is one).
Everyone was super friendly. There’s signs everywhere like “costumes are not consent” so they were really respectful asking for permission for photos. We didn’t get autographs but I’m sure next year we’ll go on Saturday and attend panels and see celebrities.
Surprisingly the most popular costume was Raven from Teen Titans. And a bunch of Tanjiros.
It’s Wednesday. Here’s some pictures.

So bad ass! I love it!