Black Girl Watching 07.11.22

It’s so hot outside. And it’s only going to get hotter, so these lists might get longer. Or I just might be watching Rick & Morty again.


Thor 4 (2022) – So if you are fortunate enough to not live on Twitter, you might have gone into Thor with like “let’s see what kind of antics Odinson is up to. And how does Jane get the hammer?” because you weren’t bombarded with the terrible whining from Twitter. It’s a thing where I can’t tell if people hate MCU or if they hate MCU fans or if everyone wants everything to be Infinity War and Endgame. We had to wait 10 years and A LOT of movies to get there. I digress. Thor: Love and Thunder is fun. And I enjoyed it. And yes you get to see Hemsworth’s butt. Thanks Taika.

The Boys S3 – Prime. The Boys was only 8 episodes this season and Episode 6 was season finale epic so everything after that was just gravy. It’s a fantastically gruesome show and yes it’s heavy handed on the mirror up to the capitalization of America and how we are all terrible and the perils of blindly falling for politicians / famous figures. Fine. But it’s a great show. I’m

The Flash S1 – we finished S1 and have moved on to S2 and we are deep into the multiverse theories and fortunately so is the MCU (and Rick and Morty) so we get it. Still would kill for Barry…so far.

PValley S2 E3-6 – Starz. The show has been dealing with some heavy topics lately and each episode comes with a content warning. It’s good and I’m still into it but this is not a show that should go like 4+ seasons.

Ambulance (2021) – So. This is streaming on Peacock and I got to experience it from my couch. This is not what Michael Bay intended. I’m sure what Bay intended was a love letter to the city of Los Angeles during a pandemic. And he wrote that love letter by sticking three beautiful people in an ambulance and have them haul ass through the city for an hour and forty five minutes. It is not a good movie. Lord.

30 fo 30 : Dream On (2022) ESPN – a film crew followed the USA Women’s basketball team around when they were trying to win gold in the Olympics and if they did well, they might get a league. It’s a 3-part documentary and it is fantastic and heart-wrenching. Every 30 for 30 is good but this one is top tier.

Jerry and Marge Go Large (2022) – this is a dual release in the theater and on Paramount+. Bryan Cranston has retired from his job at Kellogg and his wife, Annette Benning, tries to get him to do something around the house. But he finds a flaw in the lotto system and drives to Mass. to play the lotto. The villain is a Harvard student (aren’t they always the villain?). It’s adorable.

God’s Favorite Idiot S1 – Netflix. Ben Falcone and Melissa McCarthy got a show on Netflix where they have to deal with the apocalypse. The problem with the apocalypse is that you can really only tell it so many ways. And while I watched all 8 episodes, it was like what are they doing with this show? I can’t tell if it was mostly scripted and then also heavily improvised? And it just ends. Like is S2 coming? You can’t ever trust Netflix to give you more.

Reading (all romance)

The Roughest Draft by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley- a writing duo reluctantly gets back together to write another book and have to reconcile their feelings for each other. A married writing couple wrote it. It was fine.

A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert. I’ve read enough of Taila’s books to know what I am in for but this one was barely mid. I go through it cause it was a long weekend.

Summoning Up Love by Synithia Williams – A quick read about a news reporter falling for the paranormal investigator at her grandmother’s house. I will be reading the second one in the series as soon as Harlequin gives it to me.

Just a Little Married by Reese Ryan. This is the last in a series but each is done by a different author and this one was free on Prime so I read it. Things got resolved a little too easily, even for a romance novel, but it was fine.

Yeah, No

Killing It – Peacock. I was happy to see Craig Robinson got his own show and when I saw that he was getting a season 2, I figured I’d give it a go. I did 2 episodes and while it was very, very Black, it was not very funny to me? And I feel bad cause I watched all of God’s Favorite Idiot, but here we are.

The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monae. I flew through 3 of those romance novels and I was like “i should read something else” and picked up The Memory Librarian from the library holds and that was a mistake. I’m sure Janelle built her world and the short stories would be good (decent?) but now is not the time for me.

When I’m Gone, Look For Me in the East by Quan Barry. This one could just not get going for me. I really enjoyed We Ride Upon Sticks but this is a completely different tone. And it was just meh. I called it at 72 pages…after 2.5 months.


  • Irma Vep S1- HBO
  • Fire Island (2022) – Hulu
  • The Bear S1 – FX on Hulu
  • Harley Quinn S3 – HBO Max July 28
  • Father of the Bride (2022) – HBO Max
  • Gordita Chronicles S1 – HBO Max
  • Beauty (2022) – Netflix. Except it seems like they are doing an unlicensed Whitney Houston story???
  • The Resort S1 – Peacock July 28
  • Rap Shit – HBO July 21
  • Love and Gelato (2022) – yes based on the from com book I didn’t read
  • The Gray Man (2022) – Netflix. I like how The Russos keep working with Marvel Chrises for their Netflix movies.
  • Together (2021) – James McAvoy and Sharon Brogan go full Scottish and Irish?? It’s not a new movie but I just got fed a trailer on IG and it looks to be on Hulu for me.

Best Thing on the Internet

It is SLIM pickins out there cause everything is horrible but I leave you with this

“the rage in my body honors the rage in your body”

— Lisa Olivera, Author

3 thoughts on “Black Girl Watching 07.11.22

  1. One of the best thing about being off Twitter and marginally on IG is what I’m calling “raw dog pop culture” experiences. I just get to watch things. Blindly. And decide if I like them in the quiet of my mind. So I enjoyed Thor. It wasn’t Ragnarok, but it was a great time. Christian Bale doing his best “this time I’M the Joker” was a joy to watch. As was Chris Hemsworth’s ass.

  2. Aaaa I can’t believe your feelings about A Girl Like Her. It was my second TH and Evan is a ginger in my heart so I love it. Also I identified with Ruth’s messiness and awkwardness.

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