We live in an old neighborhood. It’s full of these fantastic giant trees and adjacent to this park that runs alongside the bayou. I’m not going to act like I spend a lot of time under these trees but I do appreciate them.
Back in February when we had that freeze, we didn’t have any powerlines down or major damage, but as spring sprung, the trees started to grow leaves weren’t growing leaves on all of the branches. And when storms would blow in, I mean this is Southeast Texas so every other week, dead branches on these live trees would just drop off. We had two come down and Brownlee got to use a chain saw. He was very excited. (except that tree branch removal is expensive). But it’s not just us, it’s a bunch of houses in the neighborhood. They’re all over. And then randomly, branches are just in my neighbor’s driveway. Even if it doesn’t rain hard. A slight breeze will break it off.
So far this week we’ve seen clips of people trying so hard to flee Afghanistan they are trying to grab on to planes as they leave the runway. The earthquake and then hurricane in Haiti. The ever-present pandemic. And whatever personal tragedies that don’t get shared on mass media. Every week I’m like “oh right, #EndTimes”.
Earlier today I read this article? post? newsletter? (I don’t know what things are called anymore) about how our (this is a very specific American problem) cult of personal responsibility is killing us. Like bitch I can not solve any of these problems. Not a single one. I don’t even have money to throw at them and if I did who do you even give to because The Red Cross is not to be trusted and who even can dig to find out how to give. That’s just one thing out the pile. But I feel awful about not knowing enough about them or knowing what to do to stop them. I’m still baffled about that time that the fuel line burst in the gulf and the ocean was on fire*.
https://the-contract.ghost.io/the-cult-of-personal-responsibility-is-killing-us/ by Amy Westervelt (content warning: suicide)
I think right now we’re all zombie trees just trying to make it through this season to get to the next. Like maybe we need to cut off a branch or maybe the branch will hold on but leaves won’t grow anymore. Maybe they’ll come back next season. Maybe this is just how we look now. A little broken and burnt off and ashy on one side. We’re lucky enough to be alive and maybe even thriving in some parts but zombies nonetheless.
I want to say something thoughtful like everyone you meet is fighting a battle but you shouldn’t be a dick to people anyway.

*If you didn’t see that video from Gulf being on fire in July here’s the link. I won’t embed it because it sends me into an existential crisis.
So on point. Now I have a visual of me as a tree with missing branches.