Moderna & Me

I got my first dose of the Moderna Covid vaccine today. It wasn’t a really tough decision for me to make. Texas opens up the vaccine slot for all adults tomorrow so I finally felt okay going and not skipping ahead of the line. Plus it was at a Buddhist Society center and really simple to get in and out, not the 6000 people in line at NRG Stadium set up.

My Facebook “on this day” posts for the past two weeks have been us in the beginning stages of this pandemic. The “novelty” of the whole family working and doing school from home. The idea that I would not be productive and not look at this as time off but having to stay in the house to survive. I was not (and still not) mentally prepared for the year plus we would be doing this.

But the shot is giving me something like hope. Not actual full on Hope. I am Cautiously Optimistic. I’m glad to live in the fourth largest city in the country with the best medical center so it wasn’t that I was concerned that getting the vaccine would be difficult. The difficulty will be to get to the 75%+ of Americans vaccinated. Have you met some of us?! So I’ll keep washing our masks and hands and keeping the sanitizer and bleach on deck.

And breathe just a little easier. Under my mask.

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