38 and a few days

So with from recovering from surgery (doing fine) and the pandemic (not doing so well) and election anxiety (not doing well at all), I just didn’t do a birthday post. Typically they’re a little optimistic even if a little complainy but still. This year has been a bust. Instead of choosing a cause to donate to for the year, or a thing I want to learn, I’m just making it. And I’m okay with that because I pride myself on not being a productivity-oriented or job-focused person. So yay.

I have gotten a little more witchy and I’m taking more time for skin care so I’m gonna celebrate those wins. I’m also allowing myself to buy as many notebooks as I want because at the beginning of the pandemic I couldn’t get to any bookstores, but that’s okay because I can download books and I have a bunch of them that call out to me when I stuff brand new books I won’t read into my already overstuffed bookcase.

But notebooks? I was in “short” supply and the mail was slow and Bezos already has enough money so I was worried about where I’d get my notebook fix. So take this piece of advise with you;

Life is short. Pandemics are long. Buy the notebook*.

*substitute notebook for whatever it is that you love that you can afford to splurge on

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