The Sweater Post

I took off work the beginning of the impeachment hearings. Not *for* the impeachment hearings but I was not upset it was go time. I watched an unhealthy amount of coverage. UNHEALTHY. And every once in a while I’d check into Ari Fleisher’s tweets to get the right wing side of things. And that was a goddamn mistake.

Currently I am deeply engrossed in Watchmen. The series on HBO. It’s nothing short of phenomenal. I’m listening to podcast about it. I’m reading the Doomdsday Clock series. I can’t wait until it’s over to watch it again but won’t wait and will watch it all again before the finale.

Anyway a podcast episode the creator of the show, Damon Lindeloff talks about his recurring them of the apocalypse. I get it. It’s hard not to be (see : Rapture Anxiety). Damon did The Leftovers and Lost and World War Z so… that’s his jam. And one of the characters in Watchmen (the show) grew up a staunch Christian, lived through a traumatic event (think 9/11 scale), and is now always preparing for the end of the world.

Lindeloff says “if you are convinced the world is going to end, there’s a part of you that actually wants the world to end. And if someone provides you with definitive evidence that the world is going to just keep going on, it’s actually easier for you, psychologically, to keep believing it’s just going to end because there’s relief coming.

Official HBO Podcast E2

If someone comes to you with even a taste of what you’ve believed in is questionable, entertaining that thought could undo the very fabric of your being. I think about that often when I’m in my left wing bubble of safety and sense and science. Like obviously my way of thinking makes sense because logic. And obviously they wouldn’t entertain it because the undoing of fabric is an ordeal it’s just easier to ignore than to address.

Or maybe it would be me.

If you want to destroy my sweater. Pull this thread as I walk awaaaaay.

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