Island of Misfit Posts – 03.12.19

Streaming Services

I swear I’m not subscribing to another streaming service. There’s this show I want to see, A Discovery of Witches, that’s streaming on Sundance Now, whatever the hell that is. And it’s only 8 episodes and I could watch it in a weekend. But then I’d have to remember to cancel the free trial. And what if I don’t finish in 7 days? That’s too much pressure. We got Showtime to watch Desus and Mero and I’m already over that. I’m keeping Starz until the new season of American Gods is over. I keep getting ads for a new premium podcast service that’s launching soon. Disney is coming out with their own service that’s the whole vault of movies they’ve ever done.

I just can not. And I know I was like “no I don’t have to watch all the shows” but this isn’t that. This is some of the stuff that I want to see that’s too spread out over microtransactions of services. We already have four apps to chose from to watch TV and it’s hard enough to remember what goes where. I just will not do it. Why are they making this so hard.

Hard Copies

And speaking of streaming, I recently got an email from UltraViolet that their digital content servers were shutting down and I had X amount of time to retrieve my content from the site. First of all what even did I have on UltraViolet? I assume it’s cause DVDs come with a digital copy of the movie but which was it? We have a hard time explaining discs and albums and complete bodies of work to Addy already and every once in a while we want to show her an old movie so we break out the DVDs. They take up so much space, I was considering getting rid of them but if anything the email from UltraViolet (and then an email from Nintendo about shutting down the Wii Store) confirmed my need to be selective in my minimalism and keep all the DVDs/CDs.

Also, I bought Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse streaming on Amazon and I’m 100% buying the BluRay when it comes out so I don’t have to experience a world where I can’t watch it…until BluRay players go extinct?!?!?!?!


Also, quarterly reminder to print out your photos.


I’ve become increasingly aware that more of us are outsourcing tasks to because the stress of day to day life have become so much that we can’t bother to do the little things. We have been getting our groceries delivered a lot lately. Because the trip to the grocery store takes too much time. And if we don’t do the full on delivery, we’re definitely driving up and letting the person put the groceries in the trunk. Amazon delivers me packages AND food. There’s just always another task that needs to be completed.

Even is that task is streaming another show.

And speaking of streaming…

Listen to this new Chaka Khan song. It’s fantastic.

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