No. I’m not watching that.

I’m refusing* to watch Birdbox on Netflix. First I’ll say it’s on account of my staunch hipster lifestyle. I’m not going to do it if everyone else is doing it, and if I’m doing it, I’ve been doing it and it’s because I have fantastic taste, and if by some chance I just started it, it was because I was doing something cooler. Mostly though, No. I’m old and my nerves are bad and I’m already tired of the memes and it’s only been a thing for ten days.

This weekend I was at two adult food-centered gatherings and the conversation at both ended up being “let me ask you about the shows you’re watching and instead tell you what you need to be watching as well.”

(I’m going to insert a bit humility and call myself a hypocrite because I am also going to publish my post on media consumed and I am going to DEMAND a call to action for everyone to go witness the greatness that is Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Because it is the best movie of the year and yes I mean the same year that Black Panther was released)

Anyway the conversations go like this :

“Oh I can’t wait for Game of Thrones to come back.”
“Oh I don’t watch that. Do you watch Stranger Things?”
“No but you should watch Ozark.”
“Yeah I’ve heard about that but right now I’m re-watching West Wing. I just love West Wing.”
“That on my list but did you catch up on Handmaids Tale.”

People are also trying to tell me to watch Bandersnatch (a Black Mirror movie) because it’s innovative interactive TV but 1: I grew up on Choose Your Own Adventure books and 2: White Bear episode in Season 2 of Black Mirror terrified me so bad I had to take a 6 month break from watching.

I get that we are in trying times and you don’t want to talk about politics or “real life” things but do you know how much TV there is to TV? A bunch. My tastes are so honed in, I can’t even properly explain it.

It’s impossible to be up on all the shows. Karlie Hustle recently did a podcast episode where she, a music biz professional, can’t stand the new release schedule because there’s TOO MUCH music. (Brutally Honest, Episode 53 ~6 min mark) You don’t get to sit with anything and enjoy it before there’s a new thing to enjoy. No savoring. Only consumption.

Except for Rick and Morty. I enjoy the hell out of that. That’s why I’m not watching your suggestions.

But the proper way to suggest a show to someone you have a deep bond with (be it in person or of the electronic variety) is “I think you would really love _____ because _____.” And then list 3 absolute points as to why the show would be loved. Otherwise just give up and watch shows on your own and be delighted when you find a person that geeks the way you geek.

And no, I won’t geek about R&M with you. The internet is not the place for it.

*if in some point in the future, even if that’s this week, if I end up watching Birdbox, it will be under my own volition and not the pressures of the Internet.

4 thoughts on “No. I’m not watching that.

  1. Spiderverse was SO GOOD! We saw it on Tuesday after originally not planning to see it because I didn’t really understand the concept when we have so many Spiderman movies already but I’m so glad I did because it’s amazing and I keep telling people to go see it!

  2. I’m not watching Birdbox either, so I’m with you.

    For years, I refused start Game of Thrones, because I wasn’t into “dragons and shit,” despite how many people told me I JUST HAD to watch it and WOULD LOVE it. Then, my BFF said “You’d like this one character. She starts out the timid wife of a warrior king (played by Jason Mamoa). She learns how to ride him and thus, master him. Next thing you know she’s a bad bitch with some dragons who is impervious to fire.” Five years later, I’m obsessed with show and books alike.

    So, you’re right. You have to sell people based on their tastes. Not just what you want to gab about.

  3. I haven’t watched Birdbox either and I probably won’t because of the hype. I’m like you.. I don’t follow the hype cause I’ve either been doing it for years before it was popular or I get into it late af. I’m completely into GOT but I started watching after it was on for like 4 years. I typically do that with everything. When they hype dies down, I’m all about it. But if we’re in slow times like I’m all caught up on my choice of shows then maybe.. just maybe I’ll give a new show/movie a shot. Birdbox will not be one of those, though, LOL

    Ozark though I think you would enjoy (if you haven’t already) and here are my 3 reasons why (something I plan to do every time I recommend something. Thanks for the good idea.) 1. Jason Bateman is in it and while I prefer him in comedy/sarcastic roles, he plays the hell out of his character Marty in this show. 2. There’s violence, sex, money laundering, and a family that goes to extremes to cover their bad deeds. 3. While Marty and his family are the main focus, the other characters are just as interesting. My fave, Ruth Langmore. She’s a young petite chick with a terrible upbringing but she doesn’t take shit from anyone including her new boss, Marty. And 4. Folks compare this show to Breaking Bad a lot. I fell off BB when it started to get slow in Season 2 and haven’t looked back so no clue if it really does compare or not. Two seasons available on Netflix and 3 is coming soon, I think.

  4. I watched Birdbox because I love all things scary and horrific when it comes to movies. I watched the Bandersnatch thing and it was ok. I should probably be watching Black Mirror since you said it terrified you. But that’s the thing. I don’t like watching TV shows. There are so many good shows I’m missing out on, and my friends lobby hard to get me to watching shows they like, but I usually just don’t want to get involved. My husband loves Rick & Morty. I chuckle and enjoy it if I happen to end up watching it…but I won’t make it a regular thing.

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