Airing of Grievances

This is a political post.

I wanted to write this Tuesday? When Mike Flynn was in court and the judge was like “Why is this man not being charged with treason” (Lawrence O’Donnell clarified the constitutional definition of treason is working with a company we’re at war with and we haven’t declared war in a while). Anyway Rachel (Maddow) was going on and on about the public information of the court case. That was also the same day the Tr*mp Foundation had to be dissolved for straight up fraud etc etc.

Y’all let a poorly run crime syndicate into the White House. D’Angelo had the towers in better shape AND THEY STILL KILLED HIM.— Bre (@brewrites) December 18, 2018

But that was Tuesday. It’s Sunday morning and like 1,000 other things have happened including, but not limited to a partial shutdown of the government and Nancy Pelosi saying Tr*mp is probably mad he can’t go golfing for 2 weeks at Mar-A-Lago.

The thing is, no matter how this whole administration ends; with everyone and their children going to jail, or with a quiet whimper and piss poor 2020 election, I will not be happy. I’m too American to want to deal with the collapse of our whole democratic system. We can’t handle the impeachment process. And if we somehow make it to 2020 in tact, I still have to deal with the fact that so many people I see every day, at work, at the grocery store, at the bank, in meetings, supported this bullshit. And not in that “they’re both criminals, it won’t be that bad” bullshit that we heard the first 6 months of this administration. That’s done and over with it was so long ago. It’s the whole “this didn’t happen” -> “and even if it did happen <<whataboutism>>” -> “it happened and we never said it didn’t but it’s not illegal” process we go through every other day. This is an exhaustion tactic and it’s effective.

I don’t know what’s going to happen in January when Nancy starts running shit in the house. Or in the Spring when (they say) the Mueller probe will be finished. I don’t know if anything will be of any consequence. I doubt it. But I feel it’s important that we all pay attention to the unpleasantness. It’s something to be said for bearing witness to such a shitshow. I’d like to say it’s so it never happens again but I can’t wait 40 years to listen to the 2060 version of whatever a podcast is to get all the dirt on what happened. I need to know now. I listened to the Slate Podcast, Slow Burn, on the Nixon scandal and Rachel’s podcast, Bag Man, on Nixon’s VP, Spiro Agnew. The people were interviewed were there and can recall it in vivid detail. And while I know she’s problematic, (all your faves are) Amy Siskind is still keeping list of all the abnormalities every week.

I know it’s used in all the wrong manner all the time but


One thought on “Airing of Grievances

  1. I am disgusted every single day and I don’t know if that will go away. It’s disgust with other people for putting this man in office and then supporting him DESPITE all of the bullshit that has happened daily since.

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