Add It To My List – Jan 2017

Thanks for joining Lauren and I for our very first Add It To My List link up!

We’re listing our favorite items this month that we think you should add to your list.  Add your blog to the link up below to see what everyone else is loving.  And if you’re not a blogger, feel free to let me know what you think I should check out for next month! 


I’m going to keep my list short for this first one.  I’ll be doing an entertainment post one of these days, so I won’t be listing too many shows, books, or podcasts.

  1. Amazon Echo Dot

Extreme impulse buy due to Amazon 1) knowing my life and 2) placing ads in my Twitter feed 3) putting the thing on the homepage every time I went to Amazon.  I looked at the details of the Amazon Dot and thought it was just to accompany the bigger Amazon Echo.  That’s not the case.  It’s $50 and I ordered it on Amazon Prime Now.  It’s a (mostly) stand alone item that is voice activated and works best for small rooms.  I already have the newest Kindle Fire with the Alexa app so I just tapped a few things on the Fire and the Dot was good to go.

“But Bre, don’t you believe in the Robot Revloution?” Indeed.  And I know for sure #FedsWatching BUT I can also tell Alexa to play Norah Jones and sing poorly in the kitchen while I make dinner.  (If you have Spotify Premium it will play your playlists as well!  And also, why don’t you have Spotify Premium.  It was the best thing to come from my #NewMusicMonth last year.)

There’s apps for Seinfeld Trivia, drink recipes, weather, jokes, etc.  The only downside is that Addy does not like my Norah Jones playlist and yells “Alexa STOP” in the middle of my songs.

via amazon

2. L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask

I’m not big on resolutions, or goals for that matter, but I have decided to take better care of my skin.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean paying more for lotions and creams.  This also means giving up on the idea that coconut oil actually does anything.

I got a sample of the Glamglow Mud Mask in my Sephora Play subscription box one month and figured I’d try it out for my Friday Night Turn Up.  (On Fridays I post on Facebook about how much Pinterest and Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives I’m about to watch). It worked so good.  I mean so good.  But then I looked on Sephora and found out it was $68 for a jar.  Yeahno.

But I found myself in Ulta and saw the L’Oreal clay mask was like $12 and I could use my store coupon.  I’m not going to lie to you and say that this is a direct comparison to Glamglow.  It’s just not.  It does work well though.  It’s the type of clay masks that get really stiff and tight and you can feel your pores shrinking.  Nerdy Katie hipped me to the act of applying your face mask with a brush, so this gives me a super even application on face and neck.

3. Arrested Development

via arrested development wika

I’ve watched the entire series in real time.  And then again when Netflix was going to do the new season.  I’m watching it because I can’t stay up and watch the news all night anymore.  OMG it’s still hilarious.  Actual LOLs.

4. Donating

This past weekend the ACLU received over $24 million dollars in donations.  In 2016 they received $6 million.  Total.  I donated $25.  Some of my friends are finding smaller, more direct causes for donations.  And it doesn’t have to be a monetary donation.  Clean out your closet.  Minimize.  Donate your time.

5. Leuchtturm1917

I’m typically a Moleskine girl.  But Leuchtturm1917 is coming out with metallic notebooks and business card holders for their 100th anniversary.  I’ll order this online if I have to.  I’ve been checking like every day for them to be on Amazon.  Do I need another notebook? No.  Do I have a gold one in my notebook box? Prolly.  Am I going to order this?  Hells. Yes.

via leuchtturm1917 facebook

20 thoughts on “Add It To My List – Jan 2017

  1. Now I want to try that mask. Clearly blogland needed a makeup/product link-up because so many people mentioned them today and I don't hate it. But my wallet will.

    And go enable the Ditty skill when you get home tonight. I may have created a "suck my nuts" song last night and died laughing.

  2. I've heard so much about the Leuchtturm1917, but I have been so bad about keeping up with my bullet journal that I just can't justify it πŸ™ Beautiful though!

  3. Haha I just got Spotify Premium when they had it on sale $1 for 3 months, and I LOVE it! Don't see myself giving it up come April. I'm trying to take better care of my skin these days too, and working on establishing a routine. I've only recently discovered the beauty of charcoal masks, so I'll have to try this one. What is this brush you speak of for applying the masks?

    1. i just searched on amazon for face mask brush and bought one for like $8. it is THE BEST. i don't want to say life changing, but it changed my life.

  4. Definitely going to keep my eye out for those new notebooks– I have one from the regular line and love it! We got the Amazon Dot for a Christmas gift and my favorite thing is playing Jeopardy (J6) daily, though it was also nice when I was listening to a book from Kindle Unlimited.

  5. hmmmm i'm not really fussed about the amazon echo thingy but the dot sounds interesting.. because it's affordable and you had me with the spotify playlist thingy. hmm. i've heard of the glamglow mask but don't want to try it, not even a trial haha because of the price. i'll have to check that l'oreal one out. i just got some new ones from ulta (i was buying skincare stuff and needed to add like $5 for free shipping). i am loving that the ACLU is receiving so many donations. go team!

  6. That L'Oréal clay mask sounds like I need to give it a try.
    Applause for recommending others to donate. Money, time, just donate. Great message, and we can't be reminded enough.

  7. I donated to the ACLU over the weekend as well. A small donation but it still felt good.

    Spotify Premium is the best money I spend all month.

  8. My husband got the dot for Xmas and he gave it to me to use in our office. I make it tell me jokes and facts all the time. It drives him nuts πŸ™‚
    Arrested Development sounds like something we might like. We're on the hunt for a new Netflix/Hulu series to watch…

  9. I can't believe they raised 4 times as much in one weekend as they did all of last year. That's crazy.
    Man, now I really want that Echo Dot, that sounds like fun.

  10. Loving this blog. I really need to get that clay mask. I probably have some Ulta dollars to spend. Thanks!

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