Kindergarten Update

I didn’t want to update about the woes of the first week of Kindergarten right away.  It was a transition period for everyone and while the first day was a breeze, and I got to spend the day drinking mimosas and watching Steven Universe, the second and third day were much harder.

When you drop a kid off at elementary school, the first hour or so is mostly kids milling around and parents looking after their special snowflakes.  If you have a little kid, they let you walk down to the Kindergarten class and get them all settled in.  Then the Principal will say “ok you only get another day or whatever and then we have actual schoolwork to do.”  So on the second day of school when Brownlee has to leave Addy at the cafeteria, there are all the tears.

And then on the third day I drove them down the street (we’re literally two blocks from the school) and she started to cry and then I got the sadz and it was no good.  BUT on the fourth day, I packed her backpack with a small stuffed animal and she said she wasn’t going to cry and she hasn’t since.


There’s not much of a change to our morning routine.  I have to make some sandwich, that she doesn’t eat, and when I pick her up I ask how the day went and she’ll give me a five second recap and that is all.

But we went to the Open House and I was kinda impressed because I honestly had no clue how different classrooms are in 2016.  Ms. A. gave us a presentation on the SmartBoard.  She ran us through the course of a regular day and I was pretty shocked by how much they do.  Because nobdoy remembers being 5 I guess.  And I know for sure there wasn’t a system to log into to get daily updates on what how my child did each day.


Mostly though, you spend most of the day in Kindergarten learning how not to hit someone.

Then Ms. A. made a point to say that if you needed a conference time, then schedule it, but right now the kids are just going to show us what they’ve been working on etc.  And while I was looking over the handouts, Ms. A comes over and goes “I just wanted to tell you that Addison is really smart.  And she’s always eager to help and answers questions in class and loves to participate.”  And I go “Oh great! We read a lot…cause we watch a lot of TV.”  So while that’s great to hear that she isn’t biting children in class (we eavesdropped on that), I’m just going to leave it as what it is for now.  I know from moms online how ridiculous it sounds when you think your kid is brilliant.  Or you try to force your kid into brilliance they weren’t designed for.  And I remember being around those kids in school and it was just…why?  Maybe that is my adult apathy tainting my teenage angsty memories, but it’s just the first pass.  And again, at least she isn’t biting.

Oh, and I signed up for the PTA because they had a volunteer list for the Book Fair.  I doubt it is anything like the awesomeness that was the Scholastic Book Fair of the early 90s, but I mean OMG BOOK FAIR.

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