What’s Your Favorite Movie?

Lauren and I were emailing as we tend to do, about our weekends and she mentioned that she fell in a hole in her yard. (Minor injuries).  And I wanted to yelltype “Like Dolores Clairbone?!” but I wasn’t going to go into a story about how I rented that movie every weekend from Blockbuster and watched it over and over.  I was 14!  It was Stephen King!  And for a long while it would be noted in my top 5 movie choices.  And I wasn’t going to get into all of that over email, because that’s what blogs are for.

If I had it my way, there would be no work talk in social settings.  You wouldn’t ever be approached like “so what do you do” or have that lull in conversations when someone asks “how’s work”. Maybe it’s different in Houston where everyone is either oil and gas or medical.  I have so little interest in everyone’s mundane details of their 9-5.

More importantly, if it’s my first time meeting you, I want to be able to judge you properly.  Favorite movies is the best way to do that.

The definitive top two are

Fight Club (seriously, are you new here)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

From there it entirely depends on mood.  The Big Lebowski, Dolores Claiborne, Scott Pilgrim, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Shopgirl. They hold special places in my heart for always.  But I can’t rank them.

And I have to break it down into RomCom (Brown Sugar, Someone Like You, The Holiday, Waitress, In Her Shoes).  The campy bad but so so good (Anaconda, Twister, Lake Placid).  The okay just let me watch this one bit and end up watching the whole movie (Belly, Tropic Thunder, Anchorman, Jurassic Park, Snatch).  The artsy fartsy (All Wes Anderson – ok not all, not Life Aquatic or Bottle Rocket, Amelie).

It’s a loaded question.  See how we’re not talking about my job.

Unless you’re one of those “I don’t watch movies” people.  Just…don’t talk to me.

So what’s your favorite movie? Do you have an all time favorite?  Do you break it down into genre/actor/director?

dolores claiborne gif

And bonus here are some quotes I like to use from Dolores Claiborne.  Feel free to sprinkle into conversations as needed.  Even better, as not needed :

Now, you listen to me, Mr. Grand High Poobah of Upper Buttcrack, I’m just about half-past give a shit with your fun and games.

If you say you’re sorry one more time, I’ll kick your butt up so high, you’ll look like a hunchback.

It’s a depressingly masculine world we live in, Dolores.

All my money is tied up in cash.

You’re sorry, are you? Bet the last time you were sorry was when you needed to use the pay toilet and the string on your pet dime broke.

Don’t we have a hair across our ass this morning, Dolores Claiborne?


You’re welcome.

3 thoughts on “What’s Your Favorite Movie?

  1. I totally would not have gotten this reference at all, so I'm glad you expanded it into a blog post….

    And, I think you already know this, but I'm not really a movie person (ducks). I know, it's weird, but it's rare that I want to sit and watch a movie because my movie retention is like 7%. I've seen embarrassingly few of the movies you list above (I did make Andrew watch Waitress and he still refers to it as "the worst movie I've ever made him watch) and if I've seen them, I can remember if I liked them or not but really nothing about the plot and forget quotes.

    But if we were trapped on an elevator and I had to tell you my favorites, they would be Anchorman and 40 Year Old Virgin because how can you not?, Enchanted because it's everything a fairy tale should be, maybe Clueless (it's so good – have you watched it lately? Definitely has staying power. Also I guess I have a thing for Paul Rudd?), and I do get sucked into Shawshank every time. Also I love Gran Turino but probably in a way that isn't very PC. I just want to give as few damns as Clint Eastwood does when I'm old.

  2. Hmmmm…my list doesn't vary much. I'm a Boomerang, Harlem Nights, Players Club type of brotha. I think I relate better to those types of movies. Then I hit the hood cult classics like Boyz in the Hood, Belly & Menace II Society. Then I get into the comedies like Friday that I could watch all day any day. Then I can get into the non-black genre movies like Scott Pilgrim, Tropic Thunder, Layer Cake & Rock N Rolla. And don't get me started on sports movies…like FNL, Remember the Titans, The Program, etc. I'm kinda versatile I guess because I've been told I watch horrible movies over and over…which I do but for specific reasons. Like I own all the Fast N Furious movies…are they super great stories…nah, but fast money, fast cars & fast ass women kinda do it for me.

  3. Movies have its own demand in the present century and they are the cause of an entertainment for every people. The producers have to do a lot of hard work for them and then after that the movie came into being. They bring the chance of an entertainment for the viewers.

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