Last Month of 3

Alrighty then.  Last month before 4.  And what have we been up to?

Addy is very much into cooking.  She drags her little step stool from the bathroom and demands to get in on whatever is going on.  She’s fried chicken, made spaghetti shells, pork chops, alfredo sauce, chicken alfredo (to go with the sauce), and whatever else we have for dinner.

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It hasn’t been as trying as I thought.  I’m fine with spills and explaining.  But she thinks she’s a pro so she doesn’t always listen.  And we’ve had a few fingers too close to the wrong part of the skillet.  She won’t boil noodles because one time 8 months ago when she tried to cook some hot water splashed on her.

Other than sass, we’ve talked about the planning for her birthday party next month.  This year shouldn’t be as design-intensive as last year (remember Cinderella Spiderman?).  I’m kinda sad I can’t get her to do another book party because we just don’t need any other toys.  I’m trying to get her a new bed or a car seat as a gift because I am going full mom.

I go “Addy, you need a new bed” and she goes “I like pink.”  So that’s really helping in the decision making.

We’ve gone to the zoo, and she’s seen a few movies.  She really likes “the show”.  That’s what she calls the movies.  Like it’s the 40’ or 80’s. Whenever they called movies the show.

Every couple days I get a request to curl a piece of her hair.  Fortunately she hasn’t asked for a full blow out and I don’t think it’s coming.  But her hair is super long and getting to be a lot of work.  I assume one day we’ll take her to the salon for a proper trim and whatever but as far as natural hair goes I don’t it’s necessary.  Plus, the piece that gets curled gets put back into her ponytail anyway.

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A few weeks ago I had to go buy a lot of tights.  Not to be confused with leggings.  At least now that she and I have come to an agreement as to what is tights (with feet) and what is leggings (not feed) and NEITHER ARE PANTS.

I read her our first chapter book.  Fantastic Mr. Fox.  3 chapters a night and we were done in a week.  I told her there was a movie and the proper way of life is to read the book THEN watch the movie.  I think next up we’ll try anything else Roald Dahl.  I figure if we get started now, one day I might actually read the Harry Potter series.

I’m sure you’re surprised that in my infinite nerdom I have not gotten into Harry Potter.  #hipsterfolyfe

What am I gonna do after #threenager ?! I have no idea for the four year old hashtag! Maybe hashtags won’t be a thing after next month.  Let’s hope.


4 thoughts on “Last Month of 3

  1. What the "cuss word" are you talking, Bre' Bre'? Just had to write that so I could be in Mr. Fox style. Addy has a stool at our house, too, and she gets really mad if I complete something before she has a chance to help. Last weekend I scrambled eggs and forgot to tell her. I got the mean mug for about 20 minutes. Heck, I let her crack the eggs!!!!

    And good luck on that hashtag for your 4-year-old. I'm sure something she does will spark a creative word for you!

  2. You have an adorable little lady. I don't have any kids but I do have cousin who's four and he's a hand full. He's not so much into cooking but trying to fix things when he sees my grandpa or uncle working. He's also into super heroes right now. So I think his party this year will be The Avengers.
    Great post!

  3. Addy sounds like a food chemist in the making! I think her sassiness will transform into assertiveness as she gets older. She's a leader in training so it's wonderful that she expresses her viewpoint. You're such a great mom, Bre! Happy Wednesday 🙂

    1. thank you! i do think her sassiness/assertiveness will be great. it's just so weird to me because i didn't know that was a thing 3 year olds had lol.

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