The Glorification of Busy

Addy takes swim lessons on Wednesdays.  And back in ballet on Fridays.  Fortunately the swim school is next to day care and the ballet teacher comes into the school Friday afternoons.  And now Brownlee wants to get Addy into soccer (the open practices, league doesn’t start till age 4), which will be a Tuesday evening feat.

And it’s really only 3 hours of activities a week, but I’m 1000% sure I’m drawing the activity line after soccer.  She’s 3 and however many months.  I don’t think anyone, especially children need to have a full schedule.

I’d like to think my half-ass nature and lack of extra credit doing, just enough to get by ways were because I was lazy. But now I’m thinking it’s most of the other people with the problem, not me.  I do enough.  There’s no need to fill every waking moment with strenuous activity.  Or even just activity period.  Why?  Why do we cram busy into every minute?  I’d like to think there was some link to our horrible capitalist ways as Americans.  Except I just want to work my 9-5 and go home and watch TV.  Isn’t that really the American way?


So I have to remember in a few years when I have a middle school kid that is worried about college extra curricular activities that some people are more susceptible to society’s pressures where things like “lazy” are frowned upon and things like “let me check my schedule” are the norm.  But I will just shrug and be all “I’m not impressed” and start another series on Netflix.


And yes, there will be soccer practice pictures.

4 thoughts on “The Glorification of Busy

  1. Well said, as only Bre' can say it. I will be 53 years old next month, and I'm just now at the point where I want to simplify my life and remove most of my extra-curricular activities that I "volunteered" for. So Addy and I may go to Chuck E Cheese, run around the back yard and kick the big pink ball, or make the occasional trip to the store, but mostly we will be chillin' and watching TNMT (I'm recording the new season). Ha!

  2. Girl you are preaching to the choir! I will NOT be a slave to a 4 year old's schedule! It's like sitting quiet and reading a good book is just wrong because it doesn't show that you are "grinding". Whatevers…..

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