3 years 5 months

My little princess is very much into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Fortunately we have not had to suffer through the movie version, but we do watch a lot of the Nickelodeon cartoon version. At first I was like “this is trash” but the turtle’s personalities are the same even if they have April in high school and Casey Jones as a doofus.  Plus they make throw back references to the old old turtles of my day with stuff like “what would we look like walking around the city in trench coats?”  The rap intro is stupid but Addy tries her hardest to sing it.  It also ends with “turtle power” so I’ll allow it.  They’ve also been showing Kraft Mac&Cheese commercials WITH Vanilla Ice rapping.  The mom is real crunk about it too like “go ninja go ninja go” and her kid is dying of embarrassment.  Way to go Kraft marketing to 30 somethings with elementary school aged kids.  I still won’t buy your stuff but I mean good job.

This weekend doesn’t technically count in the 3 years 5 months but she has been talking about the wedding more.  I was on the Gap.com looking to see if they had any dresses she could wear and she saw this dipped blue dress and pointed at my computer “I want that dress Mommy.  I want that dress for the wedding.  I need it.”  So I basically have to get it and also find her an actual dress for the wedding and then also not search Gap.com near her.

And speaking of our favorite stores, we picked up some flash cards from the dollar section at Target.  They are fantastic.  Except they use a lot of different kinds of birds for letters, but still, yay for flash cards.   We’re working on letters and numbers and writing so I’m loving it for the most part.  Sometimes me and Brownlee end up getting quizzed on the flash cards.  And sometimes me and Addy start yelling at each other over pens but whatever.

She’s been really loving this new apartment we’re in.  Mostly she just likes to say she has a new house and she likes to boss us up and down the stairs.  “Go slow!’ “Mommy has to follow me, Daddy you stay up there.”  Things of that nature.  She just generally likes to boss people at all times.

3 years 5 months

2 thoughts on “3 years 5 months

  1. Good catch on the Mac & Cheese commercial. I thinks it's very clever marketing. On another note, I love when Addy gets into the TMNT theme song. She wants to know the rap soooooo bad, but it doesn't stop her from trying while's she's jamming. I'm so glad to know that Paw Paw and YaYa are not the only people she tries to boss around. We're all in trouble! Ha!

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