Change of Perspective

We’ve had a hectic week around here. Lots of things goings on.

In no particular order:

  • I saw fireworks from 26,000 feet
  • We came home to water pouring from the walls
  • My mom cooked us yummy porkchopchicken
  • Chicago O’Hare airport is infinitely the worst
  • Our “new” (read: different) apartment is on the corner with big windows with natural light and just different surroundings from the pictures I’ve been taking the past 4 years
  • Addy turned 3 years whatever months and I didn’t blog about it…yet
  • I saw the sun set from 38,000 feet
  • I made the horrible mistake of 1) only bringing one book and 2) not having my Kindle on me as I figured I would be ok since it was just an overnight trip.  Wrong.
  • I got to see a Great Lake (Superior)
  • I lost what little wedding planning momentum I had
  • We got a marriage license since we were both off work
  • Everyone has a theory on time travel or at least considered the possibility


Granted most of this has left me highly irritable as I am resistant to change.  However, I do like to buy new things and this new/different apartment has an extra room and a different layout so I was justified in buying a Swiffer WetJet and things of that nature. Although I do not enjoy domestic duties, it warranted a trip or three to Target to which one can never be mad at.

Nothing really got damaged and now we are the upstairs jackass neighbors that make a lot of noise.  I suppose when people plan to move they have time and purge except Brownlee likes to keep a lot of things and I have gotten surly enough to throw away cards after a certain number of birthdays have passed.  So everything was hastily packed and moved and lots of trips to the back of the complex to get things and maybe we don’t need this old thing and where are we going to put the liquor now and where did this even come from…

Anyway, we moved and Addy is very excited about it except she can’t always find us which is pretty funny.

While I still reserve the right to change my mind and be irritable and pissy about how this whole thing worked out, sometimes people tell you that “things happen for a reason” and “there is a plan” for you.  And while that might be aribitrary and annoying (which I’ve shared my feelings on here, and here, and here) I suppose it doesn’t hurt to not curse people out.  I have yet to fully be upset because again, we were only displaced not suffering loss, at times it was like if one more thing happened I was going to lose my mind and yell in the street.  Maybe not, but I just watched Blue Jasmine and it seemed appropriate.  I try hard to not be one of those “well at least…” people cause that means stuff is screwed up just enough but let’s make up some bullshit scenario so you feel slightly better.

But I have had some observations.

1. Always bring an extra book.  There is room!



2. This is why people like sunsets.


3.  Wherever we move to on a more permanent basis will have to have giant windows.



4.  Movers are expensive.  But you can pay your friends in pizza.


5.  Why doesn’t everywhere have free wifi all the time for everything?  How is this not a thing?  Is this not 2014?  Tex Avery promised me a way more technologically advanced future.

6. I always feel odd when I like a concept of a book or I can’t stop thinking about a certain piece of it even if I don’t like the book as a whole.  I suppose that’s why people read.  To think and hopefully enjoy but mostly you just want something to take away from it.  That being said, Q, was not a good story but I was really loving the idea that people learned time travel to make yourself happier or richer would probably backfire.  Also Rod Serling is a genius and now I can’t wait for the New Years Marathon.  Also people need to discuss their personal beliefs on time travel more.  What better way to get to know someone.

4 thoughts on “Change of Perspective

  1. You take that back about Chicago O'Hare. Rick Bayless has a restaurant there and for that and Garrett's popcorn, it's among my favorites!

    Sorry life is hard but congrats on the windows and not cussing people out. Will people really still work for pizza? I told Andrew that was no longer an option and movers were a must (also, I am lazy) so please don't tell him if so.

    1. I will do no such thing. Except before I did have that popcorn and it melted in my mouth and was fantastic and this trip my gate was RIGHTTHERE but my plane was boarding and I was sad and hangry and then we sat on the runway for an hour.
      We had movers and friends lol. I\’m too hifalutin to hike a couch up stairs. 🙂

  2. Great post. If people don't know you and they want some insight, all they have to do is read this post. You summed it up real nice! LOL!

  3. I agree with you on O'Hare. THE only redeeming factor is Garrett's and nowadays, you can get that sent in the mail so why not save the headache and use Midway if possible? Sorry to hear about the series of unfortunate events but great summation.

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