As She Fights Sleep

We are on hour 2 of a sleep fight.

After 30 minutes of not laying down to watch The Lego Movie, I gave up on her not listening and put Addy to bed for the night.  I just kinda was like hey get in the bed and listen to the Frozen Soundtrack and just be quiet cause I just want to watch 24.

She whined.  And is still whining.  Probably.  It’s 1030 and I just didn’t even turn on the monitor.

Anyway, I’m reminded of this post I meant to write a week or two or three or whatever ago about Addy.

She’s awesome.

When she wakes up in the morning, dragging her Sofia blanket and whichever toy didn’t fall out of the bed.  She brings this into the living room where I am usually on the couch watching news.  And announces:

I’m here!


Not the standard issue “good morning” or my typical “mgmmhmgmdm coffee”.

“I’m here!”


Sunday while I tried to watch True Blood she watched Powerpuff Girls on the iPad.  Like this.


She makes her Disney Princess Little People  fight like ninja for Klip Klop pony supremacy.   So much pink and glitter.  So much ass kicking.  So. Many. Tea parties.



Occasionally a mini me


And that’s why neither of us are asleep .

3 thoughts on “As She Fights Sleep

  1. Don't ever squash her creativity and uniqueness (and I know you want). It's what makes her the coolest granddaughter ever!!!!!!!!!! (And of course I'm biased — to the max!)

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