3 years 1 month

3 years 1 month already.  We’ve recently entered the world of why.  Apparently my answer is usually “because!” as now Addy will answer herself sometimes.

Me: Addy it’s time to get dressed for school

Addy: WHY

Me: Addy you need to eat your vegetables


Me: Dude, you gotta go to bed


Because, threenager.

There are all just general statements from the book of parenting.  Nobody knows why these things need to be done.  Especially when I’ve been wearing Chucks to work all week and I was up late reading as per usual. I will even admit to yell “Just do what I said”.  Yep. I’m a mom.

In theory I want to be the kind of person that takes the time to explain life to a child but I can’t even explain Halloween so clearly I don’t know what I’m doing.

We’ve also discovered the Frozen channel on iTunes radio.  It’s a total gimmick because they play the same songs in the same order but I know every song from the movies so I don’t mind sitting in there with her at night humming Chim  Chim Cherrie.  I get side-eyed if I sing “Do you want to build a snowman” though.

The other day I demonstrated how one removes one’s shirt.  Since then we have to watch while Addy slips each arm out of her sleeves and her shirt over her head.  Then she instantly checks to make sure her earrings are still in because, Diva.

No progress made on our lack of potty training.  We are spending money on Pull-Ups though because they have Disney Characters and apparently it’s better to pee on Sully and Minnie Mouse than it is on Dora.

We have also been introduced into the world of NinjaGo because Netflix streams it and we never made it to see the Lego movie. I was kinda pissed the other day because Addy skipped ahead to season 2 and I didn’t see how the green Ninja grew up but whatever.  I mean I have access to her profile anyway.



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