Tales of a Threenager

As I have gotten older I’ve found that I’ve become more…me.  I know what I want and what I don’t want (for the most part) and don’t really have any issues with stating that I think things are stupid and therefore will not be participating in them.  In her threenager glory, Addy has figured this out about her self now.

Mostly it has to do with the potty.  The teachers at daycare tell me that she does it fine there.  She even will tell me on the way home that she peed in the potty at school and at YaYa’s house but won’t do it at home.  I don’t think if she knows exactly what “stupid” is but she’s not for pooping in the potty at home.   One of the bumpies recently bought her kid a way to poop in the potty cake.  I’m sure I’m wording that wrong but it’s marginally humorous and in a moment of desperation/frustration/half assed parenting I too offered Addy a cake if she managed to poop on the potty.

The next morning she woke up and asked where her cake was.

I asked her if she pooped in the potty.

We haven’t talked about it since.


And in other news of me not knowing what the hell I’m doing, Addy was being a threenager (rightfully so) about spaghetti (again) for dinner.  To be frank, I basically hate spaghetti.  But sometimes it’s just easy and kids generally like noodles.  We try not to have it every week so I can suffer through it and eat it.  Don’t be a jerk and be like “but Bre you just said you don’t participate in stupid activities” because nobody likes the kind of people that bring up old things.

She was antsy and requesting pork chops so I asked her if she wanted to help make the spaghetti because then she could enjoy eating it or if it turned out bad I could blame her.

She actually agreed (sucker!) and got her step stool and started putting noodles in the boiling water.

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Anyway, then she splashed a little bit of water on her shirt and promptly announced that she was finished.

The next day I asked her if she wanted to help make mac and cheese and she quickly reminded me “I FINISHED” because as I said up there, she knows what she doesn’t like (it’s ok for me to rehash, ties the post together).

This might explain why she cooks all her food in her play kitchen in the microwave.

5 thoughts on “Tales of a Threenager

  1. LOL if I ever had a kid, if would have no idea what to do with a play kitchen if it wasn't for Andrew. It would drive its pretend car to a lot imaginary drive-thrus.

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