Threenager Ingenuity

A lot of our conversations circle around the word “no”.  One of us saying what we ain’t gonna do or how not to do something or just not to do the thing at all.  This goes for all 3 of us.

Now that Addy is 3 she’s very much into asserting her independence.  Because clearly 3 is almost 18.  But it’s good because kids ned to be self-sufficient and mommies and daddies need to let them be.  so if that means she goes to bed with her shirt on backwards nobody cares because she’s just proud that she put her shirt on herself.  I mean you’ve seen how she picks out clothes most days.

Since we’ve been forced to change time for the farmers or whatever archaic reason daylight savings time is still a thing, the sun is out longer and it’s a reasonable 70 degrees outside.   I asked Addy if she wanted to try out the Cinderella scooter she got for Christmas.  She actually said yes.

I made a quick, albeit left-footed, demonstration and after she adjusted to her foot of preference we were off.  Slowly.  Through the apartment complex.  Steering is hard for tiny people to do when they are busying saying hey to other kids (she talks to the other kids as if she were as eight years old as they are) or trying to fix their sunglasses or playing with the tassles.  But every time I tried to correct her handlebars she knocked my hand away like “hey let me do it”.  We scooted all the way to the front of the complex (figure 2 blocks) and back.  On the turn around she had figured out coasting.  And if the sidewalk got uneven then she would just get off the scooter, pick it up, and adjust the steering.


Please take the time to note that she is head to toe princess gear.  Princess Anna glasses. Princess shirt. Those aren’t just sweats, that’s the bottoms to her Disney princess sweat suit set . Like a little old lady in Flordia, she is!  And hideous Ariel light up shoes I ended up buying at Stride Rite because, threenager.  Oh, and clearly a Cinderella tutu.

I was pretty impressed with her skills because I only had to help her off the ground twice.  But no falls were hard enough to warrant the Princess helmet YaYa bought her for her birthday.  I mean it’s not like she was McFlying around on her first try.



Then we went to the grocery store, but I told her she had to take a toy with her because I wasn’t buying any toys at Kroger.  She grabbed Spiderman.  The obvious choice.

Now that it’s warm and I’m in the mom car, she’s getting the new luxury of a window.  The Mini was just two doors so two windows, but it was a dual sunroof but why would she care about that.  Now she likes to feel the wind blowing in her face.  Since like Friday after daycare this is her thing.  But it was dark and a little cool when we left so I didn’t bother with her window control.

But she took care of that on her own.



3 thoughts on “Threenager Ingenuity

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