Cinderella Spiderman Party.

So if you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed that Addy has been pretty psyched about her Cinderella Spiderman party.  When I first asked her what kind of party she wanted, it was to avoid her wearing the wrong character the entire party and not enjoying herself.


Last year was Elmo themed, remember.

Anyway, the mistake I made this year was asking about the party a month in advance.  So after a few weeks she got fed up with not having a Cinderella Spiderman party.  Especially after going to her cousin’s party at Chuck E Cheese.  Finally at 10am Saturday morning she just yelled “WHEN IS MY PRINCESS PARTY”.

She knew it was her birthday.  We talked about the upcoming party. Now it was time for action.

I tried to get her into the custom Cinderella shirt I ordered and she was all “no I don’t want to wear that” then I thought the whole thing had gone to shit.  She opted for a yellow dress and her glass slippers (read: silver ballet flats) and we got in the car and she was ready to go.


age 3

and for reference

age 2
age 2

Anyway she was pleased with the CinderellaSpiderman set up.  I was pleased that there weren’t any other kids there so we didn’t need to pay the extra for the private party.  Plus the teenager got all in the play area with the kids so nobody had to get up and unstick their kid from anywhere.

It was much smoother this year and everyone was older and just really wanted to play and didn’t need mom hawkeyes on them.

We still got some resistance when it came to everyone singing happy birthday.  Friday we brought cupcakes to daycare but she didn’t even sit still for that.  Both her parents were there and she was just ready to go. She blew out the candle but that was really all she had to do with the happy birthday of it.


She got some great gifts and fortunately a lot of them didn’t require batteries.  Some will even require YaYa to take her to Chuck E Cheese (STACEY!).  She got a Spiderman action figure, which is also very awesome.

Photo Bomb:

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Now we just need to work on ze German Three.



2 thoughts on “Cinderella Spiderman Party.

  1. So awesome. Now I want to go slide down a bouncy slide. Bummer about the shirt though – at least she has a whole year to wear it.

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