Birthday Pictures – Age 3

Addy turns 3 on Friday.  I don’t think there will be one of those posts remember my labor and all that.  Probably just pictures from the past year.  Assuming I can actually settle on a handful of pics from the past year.

But I saw this pic on Pinterest of a little girl and a pretty China tea set and I was like “Addy needs these pics for her birthday pictures!”.  Of course they didn’t exactly go as planned but she had a really cute dress and I had about 45 minutes of sun and 20 minutes of toddler patience and cupcake and lollipop fuel.

With my Project 365 I’ve really been trying to shoot in manual which proved to be a tad difficult and my shots were a little overexposed.  I sorta fixed them but there’s no way I can get Addy (and my assistant Brownlee) to do any more pics so these will have to do.  Plus I can’t wait a week to share the birthday pictures because by then I will have party pics to post.

Thanks T for the number 3!!! I really think the flower theme is working well for our photo shoots and this will have to go on until she’s at least 10 and then we can just start over with the numbers. HA!

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3 thoughts on “Birthday Pictures – Age 3

  1. You guys are so stylish. Love the pics and as I know nothing about photography, they look great to me. So excited to see how Cinderella Superhero turns out!

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