Island of Misfit Posts 02.18.14


I did an interview with Addy over on Houston Moms Blog.  It’s a nice little addition to the monthly posts I’ve been half assing.

YaYa took her on her first trip to Chuck E Cheese and she was very excited about Chuck giving her a high five, which is pretty odd because I specifically remember hiding under a table from Showbiz’s ass when I was about 4.   Otherwise the party was delightful.

1984 filter
1984 filter

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Also it’s finally regular February weather so we were able to go to the park.  When we left I got supreme toddler defiance.  I was like ((through clenched teeth)) “do I have to beat you in the park in front of these judgy park moms and then we can never come back here again? do you never want to come to the park again?!”

deep in the throes of defiance
deep in the throes of defiance


Riiiiight.  So I totally meant to update the wedding blog like a few times by now.  Especially since I went ahead and renewed the domain.  Mostly we are now doing real wedding planning things.  Hopefully I will have a blog up on that this week.  As you can tell the “ermagawd I’m a blushing bride still has not hit me” but I did order some custom Chucks.  So that was exciting.



I went through my flash drive and started to sift through abandoned stories.  Some were just a few paragraphs or pages, some were up to like 50 pages.  I feel bad for the characters and their unfinished lives by their creator. I’m going to try to work on that.  But then I get free time and do things like dust or watch Chuck or destroy organize my closet to make room for more purses.  Crazy.

writing meme

But on the flip side, I have been keeping up with my Project 365.  Hooray for me.  They’re all up on Flickr although sometimes I like one or two enough to share on Tumblr or shrink down to where the detail doesn’t matter on Instagram.  That’s right.  I’m on all the things.


We went to the outlets in San Marcos this weekend and Brownlee was nice enough to let me take some pics in Luling.  I’m sure it’s no different from any other old Texas town, but we still had some sunlight and I got a good few shots.


And the last couple weeks of my life were spent absolutely enthralled with The Night Circus.  So much so that I went ahead and bought a hardback copy to have forever.  The problem with reading on Kindle (yes, there is only one) is that you don’t realize how much of a book you have actually gone through.  Telling me 12% or 87% or pos 4540 means absolutely nothing.  Like when I read The Art of Fielding and didn’t know it was like 900 pages (really 500 but when’s the last time you actually read a 500 page book) or when I was reading Skipping a Beat and I thought I had more story to read but I didn’t not because of that extra book club crap they put at the end of books to trick you into there being more story.  Anyway as you can see by my lovely widget, I am on track for this year’s challenge.


3 thoughts on “Island of Misfit Posts 02.18.14

  1. You used the word Chuck a lot in this post. And now I want pizza, shoes and to watch a spy show. Hmm. We are also in the throws of defiance with E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Last night, that pickle demanded that I let her out of time out. Needless to say, it didn't work. But good on her for trying.

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