Christmas 2013

Christmas was fun this year.

I mean Christmas is always great.  I love Christmas.  But it was good fun with Addy this year.

Y’all know we don’t frequent church, and I never quite cared to figure out what exactly Santa brings gifts for, so we just didn’t say anything.  She’s still very much into the Bubble Guppies and they are very all-encompassing and PC so they say “Happy Holidays” and therefore Addy told everyone we came in contact with “Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!”.  I’m ok with that.

I wrapped everything before and Brownlee was able to stay home Christmas Eve, so he spent most of the morning putting together her kitchen.  We also saw Frozen (VERY good!) to give him more time to figure out where a few “extra” screws went.  We made cookies with sprinkles (see: break and bake) and watched A Christmas Story and Elf then went to bed.

When she woke up, she asked for Bubble Guppies and yogurt, but I said maybe we should just go see about presents.  I set out the Disney Klip Klop Castle because I wasn’t wrapping that nor was I putting it together with her hovering over me.  So she instantly went to it and started playing the horses.  It’s pretty cute if I do say so myself.  Then we tried to get her to open other gifts before we brought out the piece de resistance.  It was pretty funny watching her face.  She had to get every scrap of paper off before she would open the gift though.

Then we brought the kitchen out and I instantly got a slice of plastic pizza cooked for me.  We’re going to be fake eating  A LOT because I was overzealous and bought a 125 piece set.  You don’t want to buy a 125 piece set of fake food.  That means it comes with like 12 individual fries and cartons of cereal and cans of beans but then also cooked beans.  And we just haven’t quite figured out the storage for that.  I mean yes they belong IN the kitchen but…whatever.

Also she only cooks food in the microwave.  Brownlee thinks that’s funny.  I don’t.  The kitchen also came with a little phone so she spends most of her time on one ear with YaYa and putting food on the plate with the other.  Now THAT is funny.

If you don’t feel like looking through the bajillion photos I uploaded to Flickr then here are a few highlight pics:


And if you want the whole shabang, have a click on over to Flickr.  Oh. It’s only like 70. Ha!

Yay for a great Christmas.  I hope everyone had a good one.

Annnnnnnd now I realize I didn’t do Addy’s month post.  Fantastic.

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