The Pitter Patter of Little Feet

We changed Addy’s crib into a big girl bed.  A daybed to be exact.  We cleaned and re-arragned her room a bit so she would feel like “this is my big girl bed and I’m going to sleep in it.” We have learned nothing about parenting.

Saturday I took her to Target so she could pick out a nice blanket for her bed.  For the past…I don’t know, a year?  She’s been sleeping with my Jack Skellington throw. It’s comfy. Sometimes she grabs the throw off the couch.  But we have two couches so we need two throws!  She needs her own stuff.

She picked Sofia the First.  It was a close call between that and Doc McStuffins, but have I mentioned how big she is on princesses?  <insert epic eyeroll>.   Anyway, we get the blanket. I threw some Christmas lights around the window frame because, Pinterest. It looked ok. She thought it was cool that she could just crawl right into her bed and I was happy that I didn’t have to physically pick her up and put her in the crib.


because, Pinterest
because, Pinterest

Until I had my camera all set to sneak in ninja-style and take a picture of her sleeping (for blogging purposes of course.

And she was just standing in the doorway watching TV with us. Sidling us.

She actually laughed at me screaming.  We have no idea how long she had been just standing there.  Coincidentally my dad calls at 10:30 when I’m trying to get her back to sleep.  My parents went to Vegas for a few days and just got back and were maybe wondering if Addy was still up so they could get her.  Because this is the ridiculousness that grandparents get to do.  And when I told him what just happened, he couldn’t stop laughing.

This might be similar to shenanigans I pulled at 3.  I really found it necessary to watch Johnny Carson whenever possible.  YES JOHNNY CARSON, Y’ALL KNOW I’M 31.

Whatever. They came and picked her up and we tried again Sunday night.

Remember when Addy discovered how to lock the bathroom doors and locked herself in the bathroom a couple times?  My genius, cheap ass solution was to put baby socks on the door?  Ok well they’re still there.   So duh why would I need to worry about anything. Just close the door and let her be in her room.

Except Sunday night I couldn’t sleep because a) I thought she would fall out of the bed and b) because I thought she would be up just playing with blocks and stuff and c) because I’m a mom.  And sure enough right while I’m in the middle of Kandi’s drama on Real Housewives of Atlanta I hear a shuffle and turn around and see Addy in my doorway.


photo evidence for blogging purposes
photo evidence for blogging purposes

I shooed her back to bed where she made me sit next to her and watch her fight sleep for 15 more minutes.  But around 1am when I was finally about to go to bed she has gotten out and was in my doorway again.

The proper way to wake your sleeping mother is to stare at her until she jolts awake in fear that something has gone awry.

Monday. 1am.  She was just standing by my nightstand.

Tuesday. 2am.  She was just standing at the foot of the bed.

Wednesday. 1am.  She was just standing at the foot of the bed.

We had just gotten into an awesome sleep routine.  An episode of Bubble Guppies. A reading of The Lorax (because I found an abridged version from her birthday party that doesn’t have so many ridiculous words), and boom I could walk out of her room with no tears.

But now? Where are the books on this that I don’t want to read?  There’s no scientific method.  Fortunately I don’t have to wake up to go get her but I don’t know how often I would like for her and the plush Doc McStuffins just crawling into bed.  The bumpies keep telling me about Door Monkeys.  Apparently these are a thing that do something? I don’t know, we never baby proofed anything.  Mostly because she always watches and reverse engineers things.  I’m not buying a gate because I’m more likely to just trip over it.  Or she will just clear it like a hurdle and laugh when I try to explain how much the gate cost.

3 thoughts on “The Pitter Patter of Little Feet

  1. I remember when we transitioned Pookah to the toddler bed from the crib, he just wouldn't stay in either. AND he fell out a lot.
    Now, he shows up in our room EARLY in the morning( I'm talking 530 am). I either hear his little feet coming, or I wake up with hot toddler breath on my face. LOL

  2. Your posts illustrate why I do and don't want to have kids, all at the same time. Sorry for your sleep deprivation!

  3. : Ahahahahahaha! Addy is hilarious! At least she stands there and not jump into the bed, like Aspen does….Also, FYI: I read this somewhere that if you put pool noodles on both sides(cut them to bed size of course), under the fitted sheet, it will keep her from rolling out of bed 🙂

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