2 years, 7 months

It’s been a quietish month with rainy weekends so we really haven’t done anything.   I’m good and ready for fall but that really doesn’t matter in Texas until Thanksgiving.   We did have to lay my grandfather to rest this past week but that did mean that Addy got to spend a lot of time with some cousins, which was fantastic.

This week daycare goes to uniforms which is A) stupid and B) not going to stop my love of Gap Kid.

I’m sure that will have it’s own post come Friday when Addy is tired of not wearing Hello Kitty something to class.


5 thoughts on “2 years, 7 months

  1. : Good Luck with the uniform, because even though they are shoes, Aspen is into her boots right now. But if it was a shirt, it would be a battle every morning if she can't wear it, lol.

    1. It went pretty well today but she did walk out of the house in rain boots. I\’m sure her accessories will set her apart from the rest of class lol

  2. Sorry about your grandpa.

    I'm thinking Addy will more than make up for the uniforms with hairbows, boots, stickers, and whatever other accessories are on the market for preschoolers!

    1. thank\’s lauren.
      day 1 she had no problems with it. day 2 she wanted to wear her kitty jacket (hello kitty robe) and almost got out of her shirt 3 times before we left this morning.

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