No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

If you happen to follow my instagran feed,  you might have had a good laugh at Addy’s grade A shenanigans last night.

Brownlee and I are thoroughly disappointed with summer time tv, so we started Mad Men via netflix last night. After 2 episodes Brownlee was ready to go night night and I was ready for some night owl reading (I’m like 65% done with The Interestings!)

Addy’s having some allergy issues (we generally both are. Always) so I went to cover her up. She yelled “no!” And stood straight up in the bed and demanded up. I should have quickly exited at that point.

I stuck her in the bed with us and went on about my business of trying to read with the lamp on.  I then thought “this is why I keep toying with the idea of getting the paperwhite kindle” because Addy decided to help me hold the flap open like she was reading along with me.

I should have turned the light off and just sat there in silence and tried to go to sleep.  But I wasn’t sleepy! Why should I have to suffer?

Round about midnight she thought it would be extra funny to check and see what time it was.



She won’t take that Kitty watch off.

Then I was like “hey hey, go to bed” and put my kindle down and tried to sing her nice go the f to sleep songs.




But she insisted on being awake.  And not just awake but on me.



So instead of reading, which is what I planned to do at midnight, we ended up like this watching this:



I let her watch half the episode then couldn’t take it anymore and figure we just both have to suffer through it and go to bed.  I have absolutely no clue what time she went to sleep.  She stayed in the bed (I assume) and kept talking to me and rearranging her butt on my pillow and feet into my face and arms.


Brownlee was oblivious.

So the moral is to just let your kids be cold at night.

Or be a man.

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