They Still Make Those?

I’ve had my DSLR for about a year and a half now.  And I think I’ve gotten pretty good at taking a picture.  I’ve read a bunch of blogs, and done online classes, and even bought a book.  So I decided to test my skills with…

a disposable camera.


First of all, Target just didn’t even have them. There’s one rack in the electronics section that was “dedicated” to the dinosaurs that still use film.  But the cupboard was bare.  I tried Walgreens since they have fair to middlin’ (do people still use that phrase?) processing so I figured they would have a ‘sposie.  (To be fair the term ‘sposie is used by moms who use cloth diapers and sometimes they need to take a disposable for whatever reason.  I have transferred this terminology to disposable anything.  And I don’t even use cloth diapers)

Secondly this mofo ran about $9.  Ugh. For $20 more I could have gotten a crap digital camera. But that was not the point of this exercise I totally made up.

Thirdly, this camera looks very similar to that kiddie camera I bought Addison.



Fourthly, the flash is NOT optional and when you wind film it’s loud as hell.  I’ve totally forgotten that fact.  I was so mad about the packaging only telling me that Kodak recycles the most of all the other ‘sposie camera makers.  SO WHAT?! I had to flip the damn thing over and read the fine print that it was 800 film.  For non-camera folks that just means you can use it inside and outside.

Fifthly, since it looks like that camera I bought Addy and it was very obvious that I was using it, Addy demanded to be able to use it.

Sixthly, I can’t take a decent picture with the damn thing.

My composition was good.   I would have been a lot more pleased with the pictures if they were actually in focus.  I know one of the main reasons I dropped the moolah on the DSLR was because of the shutter speed.  The kid moves quickly.  Disposable cameras do not.      But my newest lens is a 35mm and I’ve been shooting a lot with that, so I knew about where to take the picture for the two-thirds rule (if you want to know what that is, read Becca’s blog)

So most of my shots were like this.

The other half were my face trying to help Addison aim the camera.

Seventhly, Walgreens totally hoses you on the film printing.  It was like $14 for the prints and a CD?!  Guh.  But I also found out they print Instagram photos for 39 cents.  So I made the most out of my trip and uploaded some from my phone before I left work for pics to put up at my desk or whatever.  4×4 prints will make a great collage.

But some came out pretty well.

R1-07870-005A R1-07870-010A R1-07870-004A


I love this


Addy took note and I found this on the roll


HOW?! Pure toddler luck?! WTF?!

I also cheated and brought my cell phone, which lead to this magnificent moment.

Blog pics

Yes I know my cell phone picture is blurry whatever.

I was able to snap this on the phone though


Which I was too happy to edit and ended up like…


ok maybe overly edited.


I think next time, if there is a next time, I will focus on still objects.  Or just let Addy take all of the pictures.

11 thoughts on “They Still Make Those?

  1. This is a cool experiment! Thanks for sharing! I wonder if the depth of field was the reason for the blurry up-close pictures? I bought a film SLR from ebay last year and a bunch of film and I've taken like 3 pictures. I should get on that! Great post!

    1. i think so too. i'm so used to being able to pick focus points. i've even been practicing with back button focus. so this was such a difference. even on my phone i tap the place i want to focus on.
      and slr film sounds awesome. one of photo blogging friends had her grandfathers SLR and took it to the zoo. her pictures were awesome she just said it took forever to figure out the focus lol.

    1. if you want juxtaposition, i should post the picture of her earlier this week in her Foofa Halloween costume playing with a firetruck lol.

  2. My Nana would ONLY use these disposables… even after they became obsolete. We used to make fun of her… but your post brought back some great memories. 🙂

  3. Great pics. I think the experiment is unforgettable. You and Addy will have so many pics later on when she wants to know what she did at 2. Lol!

  4. Pretty good pics! I had no idea they still made those, but it looks like it was a fun exercise! Don't you love your DSLR even more now? 🙂 Are you coming to the meetup tomorrow!

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