The Artist

Daddy Brownlee was an artist.

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TMite is an artist

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(go see her whole gallery)

So through the magic of genetics I think Addy might have picked up that gene.  I’m not about to post some pictures of Addy doing Picaso-esque things, that would have went straight to YouTube for my fame, but I am thinking she might really be into it.

She’s gotten so particular about her drawings.  It used to be broad circles like I’ve seen all kids do, and gotten to concise, strategically placed squiggles.  I let her play with the FreshPaint app on my laptop and she would sit there for a good while trying to paint pictures and blend colors.


Fortunately it was payday weekend and more fortunately Michael’s had 40% off all Crayola stuff and 50% off canvases.  So I got the kid a little art studio action going on.


We set up Friday afternoon.  I was slightly worried about the mess because she refused her apron and I seriously just bought that shirt and those shoes and see how well they match?! And the yellow is so bright.  But I’m so glad I got the Crayola paints because everything washed out perfectly fine.  WOO!

She was absolutely quiet.  She went right to painting the pictures.  She didn’t ask to watch Megamind, or Bubble Guppies or Powerpuff Girls.  I was able to clean up the living room.  I just had to check in to refill paint or wipe her hands (we don’t like dirty hands).

Finally the pizza came and it broke the spell for a little bit.


Saturday morning she woke up at 7am.  At 720, she was outside back at it. 20130413-IMG_4250

Yogurt and non-toxic paint.  Breakfast of champions.


Proper photo blast for Wordless Wednesday tomorrow. 

Do you arts and crafts it up with your toddler? Did your parents arts and crafts it up wit you?  Did you get talent passed down to you?  What about the Crayola 64 box?! How awesome was that when it first came out?


12 thoughts on “The Artist

  1. There was nothing cooler than a new box of crayons as a kid, especially if it was a box of 64!

    I don't have kids, but my niece's dad was a tattoo artist, and we noticed when she was young that she had a very steady hand and liked to experiment with art more than just scribble. She's almost 13 now and if you ask her on the right day, she wants to be an art teacher. So, I definitely think that art is genetic. You better stock up on those Michael's coupons!

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