I Should Be Writing.

People keep asking me if I’ve written anything lately.  I suppose it’s been going around in my social group that I’m somewhat of a writer.  And I’m all “ehhh the baby???” But she’s two and apparently that isn’t an excuse?  I blame my GodBabyDaddy.

And seriously I have noticed that I haven’t written and not a single thing in a very very long time.  It’s not cause of wedding planning or the kid or a super hectic work schedule or the love of my camera and the ease of editing photos over words.  I’ve been so lazy I”m even starting to bother myself about it.  And I’m normally perfectly okay with lazy.

So maybe it’s some sort of complacency.  Knowing that I never actually really finish anything or not wanting to start because an idea isn’t “good enough”.  I bought the domain space to write.  I should be filling it up ya know?!  And then you read something that’s brilliant like The Leftovers, or the book I”m reading now; The Art of Fielding: A Novel (I don’t even like baseball and it’s brilliant) and think “ugh THIS is how I want to write! Meaningful words and well formed sentences.”  But it doesn’t matter if nothing ever comes out huh?  I’m going to suck it up and try and make time.

I hope.

Brownlee has this ridiculous notion to start doing the P90X and I am even more ridiculous to go along with it.  I have all this energy right (I accidentally spelled “write”. OK I’ll take the signs…) now but I can’t lift my hands past laptop level.  I ate a freaking apple because eating cereal after working chest and arms just seems…wrong? (plus we’re out of store brand pop tarts).  I should use this time to open up a Word document and get to typing.

I need to get it together.  I will.  I won’t even allow myself to purchase a new notebook under the guise of “really writing”.  I’m just going to do it.


(If you would happen to like to read some of the stuff I have done, it’s under the cobwebbed WRITING tab)

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