Okeh Bokeh Artichokeh!

So I decided to actually do something else that I’ve pinned.  I’m kind of sure I’ve done things I’ve pinned before, I’m sure I’ve bought a few of the items, but this one took minimal effort, and could be done fairly quickly, so it was waaaaay up my alley.

I like to subject Brownlee and Addy to little photo shoots to try out “looks” and whatnot but luckily I didn’t need them for this one.  They were too busy being ridiculous to participate anyway.

Ok I’ll get to it.

I made custom bokeh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <- be excited, I’ll explain. (also, it’s pronounced BOH-kay, so now re-read the blog title)

You know how when you take your glasses off and look at lights, (street lights or Christmas lights) and they’re just balls of blurry light?  That’s bokeh! Don’t wear glasses? Then…I can’t relate.

Bokeh looks really good in photos.  You know how sometimes the background is so blurry you really don’t know exactly where the picture was taken?  I bought my 50mm f/1.8 (don’t worry if you don’t know what that means) lens just for that!

And now I know how to make the blurry lights different shapes. What what?!

I had to make a lens cover with a heart shape and fit it over my camera, then take a blurry picture of the Christmas tree.  If you want more technical information and to also see a different cutie baby, go see how Candace at Cheese and Cheesecake did it (Candace is a March 2011 mommy too and an awesome professional photographer!)

I stopped at Family Dollar on my way home and got a pack of construction paper. I “measured” around my 50mm lens and cut a thin strip of construction paper that would be the new “hood”.


Then I had to cut a circle to tape over the hood. This was basically the hardest thing ever.  I can’t cut a straight line to save my life, so a circle was the 5th level of hell.  Luckily it didn’t have to be neat.  Then I folded that in half and cut a heart 1st grade style. Taped it to the hood.

clearly uneven
clearly uneven

The key to getting the tree lights blurry was to have an object to focus on in front of it.  Like this lovely crayon box since my child refused to really cooperate.  Surprise surprise.

clearly uninterested
clearly uninterested


Then I was like “duh I could just turn auto focus off and make the picture blurry myself”.



I’m so going to Michael’s for different shaped hole punches.

Also, I realized there were apps on my phone that will automatically add this to your pictures.  BOOOOOOO!

Related: does anyone know of a way I can keep Christmas lights up year-round?

4 thoughts on “Okeh Bokeh Artichokeh!

  1. This is the first blog I didn't read in its entirety. IDK WTF you're talking about…but whatever you're doing is cool, and I'm glad you like it so bad. YAY! lol.

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