Hollywood Goes to the Country

All of the bumpies have been posting pics of their kids in pumpkin patches.  Apparently it is fall in other parts of the country and when it’s fall that’s what people do.  I decided that we too, would find some sort of pumpkin patch and take pics, despite Jenni suggesting we set up in front of a Whole Foods pumpkin display and snap off a few pics lol.

I took to the Google to see what Houston had to offer.  We’re a giant city.  We’re country.  It should be plenty of stuff.  And it was, just way out in the boonies.  And they cost a little much for my kid to just run around and look at things.  Finally, we were told to check Halter Inc. and I’m glad we did.  It was only 20 mins away. And was totally free to get in. Yay non-profits!

Me, YaYa, Brownlee, and Addy got there about 11am, which had me a little worried for the picture taking (the noon sun is harsh), but it was still only about 82 degrees so it wouldn’t be too bad.  We took a hay ride over to the pumpkin patch and I was glad that we weren’t the only parents packing DSLRs and uninterested tots.

Addy steppd out of the hay ride and was pretty apprehensive about what we brought her to.  I don’t blame her.  We don’t really fool around with ponies and pigs and open fields.  But after she got a little walk around the pumpkin patch, she started to get into it.  She wanted to take a giant one home at first, but we convinced her to get a little one.

We even ventured to the petting zoo because they had ducks and she likes to “quack quack” so that was enough to get her in the gate.  A dad (whose son was dressed like a train conductor) saw Addy in her sunglasses and was all “hey Hollywood”.  It was fitting.  She looked at the duck, attempted to touch it, saw a pig (who did not look like Olivia), and pointed at a pony.  That was enough.

She was mostly interested in the cats who lived on the farm.  I supposed she was either tempted to slap them (like the TomCat app on Daddy’s iPhone) or make them dance like Puss In Boots.  It was starting to get really warm so we paid the $1 for our pumpkin and waited for the hayride back.

All in all, it wasn’t bad. We got some air, and I got some awesome pictures.  Oh, and we only spent the $1 on the pumpkin.  I did donate some money for the animal feed and what not, but we did come out waaaaaaay cheaper than anything else I had seen for the hour that we spent there.  Now we gotta figure out what to do with this pumpkin.  I suppose finger paints are in order.

And of course, here’s the highlight reel of pictures (click first pic and click through for slideshow).  If you’re really interested, you can see the whole album here.

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2 thoughts on “Hollywood Goes to the Country

  1. I'm so glad that she didn't really love all on the animals…cuz that means she prob won't be an animal lover which means she won't ever decide to ask me to take her to anything where animals are involved (i.e. the zoo). lmao. I keep wanting to ask how your baby got soooo Hollywood, but then I remember how y'all act. lol.

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