Island of Misfit Posts 08.10.12.

Sometimes I don’t think something warrants a full blog post.  I know this is m blog and I can post whatever I please, but I feel like it should be more than a picture or sentence or whatever.  And instead of getting a new social networking tool like Tumblr, I might occasionally jumble things together into one big ass posts instead of like 4 tiny posts.  Like when I did this post.

Giving Back

I’m not always a charitable person.  I mean I will sometimes give to homeless people if I have cash on me.  My friends run the Foundation for Student Leadership & Success which I try and give to when they have their summit to get kids ready for college.  And recently I found out that if you just ask for money on the internet, people will give it to you.  Even if you just want a boob job. ( is a thing).  But The Robot Mommy was posting that she had pledged some moolah for Red Piggy Press to start on an app to personalize a kid’s book. How cool would that be?! I have a kid.  I like apps.  I donated.  They reached their goal but they can still take more pledges till the end of today (Aug 10).  Have some spare change you want to give to someone? Give it! I might need to troll these sites more often to give a few bucks here and there for things I would like.



I need some sort of blogging forum or Facebook group or something where I can ask blogging questions.  Twitter sometimes is a cry out into the dark.  I know there’s a blog chat and something else but sometimes I have questions.  Does anyone know of such a thing?

But I have linked up with Our Reflection’s Tweet and Greet (see that button on the side?!) and have met some awesome new tweeters.  I need to get my Google Reader in order for all the blogs I want to keep up with.

I’m also working on working on a giveaway.  Or two.  Also I finally figured out that though my sidebar is 260 pixels it will fit 100×100 buttons two to a line and not 125×125 buttons.  Whatever. So I had to download and resize and reupload buttons.  So I may or may not be showing off buttons because it’s a pain and I don’t know HTML.  Also I’m sort of toying with the idea of blog “sponsors” or something or another but that’s a whole ‘nother set of Pattersons.


The Kid

I got to hang out with Addy this week.  Outside the house.  This is what we did.

[shashin type=”photo” id=”180,176,177″ size=”medium” columns=”3 order=”user” caption=”y” position=”left”]

It was fun! I also saw these things I want to get.  Gaaah!

[shashin type=”photo” id=”178,179″ size=”medium” columns=”2″ order=”user” position=”left”]

And I think Addy might be ready for a backpack and I considered Pottery Barn Kids for this

or this from Skip Hop

And here are some pictures that I didn’t Facebook, Tweet, or Instagram.

[shashin type=”photo” id=”174,175,181,182″ size=”medium” columns=”2″ order=”user” caption=”y”]


Lastly but not Leastly

6 thoughts on “Island of Misfit Posts 08.10.12.

  1. I love you for trying so many times. I would have quit after 2. 🙂
    Also, who doesn't get retro Fisher Price. They knew kids from the 80s were having their own kids and the right (read: hipster) thing to do is get them retro toys!

  2. 1. I’m in a local group of social media moms. It is a great place to ask blogging questions
    2. I flipped when I saw those Fisher Price remix toys. It made me sad that the parents of the one year old I got one for had no awareness of the original toy.
    3. We’re getting a skip hop backpack! We were thinking Giraffe, but Ben went crazy over the fox!

    4. Commenting on the iPad when loading your site through Facebook took me 6 tries.

  3. 1. I think Addy needs a shirt that says “My Mommy is the Papparatzi”

    2. I’ve thought about doing a kick starter to produce my music project… I’m not good at begging though (and it feels like begging) but, it would get it done! Maybe a micro-loan instead?

    3. I like backpacks on kids, it’s so frickin’ cute!

    4. I’m loving how this blog is a growing!

  4. Wow. That was a lot to absorb. I love that you also pimped out Red Piggy Press. Kickstarter is a great place to ask for contributions especially since you don't pay unless you hit goal. Knowing this is now allowing the opportunity for other authors seeking support. 🙂

    Addy is adorable as usual!!

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